  • 學位論文


A Study on Bullying in Juvenile Correction Institution

指導教授 : 孟維德


本研究主要目的是想瞭解少年矯治機構中的霸凌現象和霸凌發生的原因及目的,並試著從少年矯治機構副文化的角度去解釋少年矯治機構中的霸凌現象,最後依據研究發現提出可能的霸凌防制方法。 本研究採用質性研究中的個案研究法,以某一間少年矯治機構為研究對象,研究者實地進入此少年矯治機構進行參與觀察,並以方便抽樣之方式訪談四位管教人員和五位收容人,研究發現如下: 一、霸凌現象: 霸凌的發生源自於收容人間的階層派系,且多發生在缺乏監控的時間及場域,類型以肢體、言語、性霸凌為主,霸凌對象則以白目、無背景的人最容易被霸凌。霸凌可滿足收容人諸多需求,手法十分多元且殘忍,且常被偽裝成遊戲,不易被發現。霸凌亦會受到管教人員影響,並對收容人產生負面影響。 二、霸凌成因: 機構風氣、需求不滿、排解無聊、管教人員態的度及作為皆會影響霸凌的形成。 三、霸凌目的: 霸凌是為了教訓他人、獲得特權和自我保護。 四、少年矯治機構副文化: 收容人間存在著階層派系,並有既定的江湖規矩,生活中會受到背景勢力的影響,彼此會使用黑話和傳紙條的方式來溝通,並常利用上廁所的時間進行霸凌或是傳紙條。 五、霸凌防制方法: 可從教育、機構環境、輔導三方面進行霸凌防制。


霸凌 少年矯治機構 副文化


The main purpose of this research is to understand the bullying phenomenon and the cause and intention of why bullying occurs in juvenile correction institution. It also intends to demonstrate this bullying phenomenon in the aspect of subculture in juvenile correction institution. At last, based on discovery from this research, it presents the possible methodology about how to prevent bullying. It adopts case study methodology of qualitative research. Choosing a certain juvenile correction institution as research object, the researcher was personally in the juvenile correction institution to participate and observe. Adopting convenience sampling, she interviewed four correctional officers and five juvenile inmates. The findings are as follows: 1.Bullying phenomenon: Bullying occurrence is derived from the rank and fraction among juvenile inmates. It mostly happens to the time and place lack of monitoring. The types of bullying mainly are physical, verbal, and sexual. The objects easily bullied mainly are the people who do not pay attention to the situation and are lack of background. Bullying can satisfy many inmates’ needs. Its approach is very diverse and cruel and often disguised as games that are not easily identified. Bullying is also affected by correctional officers and poses a negative impact on juvenile inmates. 2.Bullying cause: The climate of institution, demand not satisfied, boredom to resolve, and correctional officer’s attitude and conduct all pose impacts on the formation of bullying. 3.Bullying intention: The intention of bullying is to lesson someone, obtain privileges, and protect self. 4.Subculture in juvenile correction institution: The rank and fraction existing among juvenile inmates have the given rule to follow. Life there is affected by the background forces. They communicate each other by using cant and passing notes and often take advantage of going to toilet to do bullying and pass notes. 5.Bullying prevention method : Start from 3 aspects that are education, institution environment, and counselling to prevent bullying.


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