  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳銘薰


「變革」是二十一世紀組織運作所面臨的最重要課題之一,富爸爸理論盛行於今日的經濟體系,台灣中小企業在這大者恆大的競爭策略下,不斷地被購併或因為生存空間的被壓縮而逐漸退出市場,企業因「生存」而需不斷地進行變革。 台灣半導體通路代理業者為因應全球環境劇烈變遷及競爭,透過組織不斷地進行變革,才得以保有市場競爭力,在產業供應鏈中保有一席之地。本研究以半導體零組件通路產業的個案公司為研究對象,透過全面性問卷方式進行,經效度、信度、多元廻歸及變異數等統計分析驗證,驗證結果歸納出以下結論: 一、組織在進行變革的過程中,員工對自身權益的認知與其對組織的承諾呈現正向影響。組織變革結果員工對自身權益的認知,對員工持續性承諾有著負向影響,而對員工規範性承諾則影響不顯著,另對情感性承諾則有著正向影響。 二、員工對組織的情感性承諾及規範性承諾與離職意圖的研究結果呈現負向影響,但員工組織持續性承諾對離職意圖影響不顯著。 三、組織變革過程中員工權益認知對離職意圖有著負向影響,而組織變革結果員工權益認知則對離職意圖影響不顯著。 四、本研究發現,員工組織承諾具有中介效果,也就是,組織變革中員工權益認知對離職意圖的影響,會因為員工組織承諾的三個構面,分別為情感性、規範性及持續性,導致組織變革員工權益認知對離職意圖的影響,由負向影響減弱,轉為影響不顯著。 研究結論發現,組織變革中員工權益的滿足程度會影響員工離職意願高低,而員工持續性承諾對離職意願影響程度不高,顯示著個案公司人力資源政策應著重在「留才」,故提出管理實務上的建議,在「留才」策略上應聚焦在兩個議題: 一、治標,變革中公司目標達成及員工的權益並重。 二、治本,重新審視公司薪資政策及福利制度的適宜度,達到獎懲分明及時激勵的目的,同時讓成員在思考離職時有所牽絆。


“Change” is one of the most key issues the organization operation has to face in the 21st century. Nowadays, “rich dad theory” has been prevailing over the economic system and the “become bigger” competition strategy is being adopted to keep company remaining big, Taiwan small and medium enterprises are either merged or gradually being squeezed out from the market. To survive, companies are forced to adopt continual changes to out beat threatens. Taiwan semiconductor channel agent industry has been adapting to the keen competition and rapid changing environment in the global market, by continual organizational reform to keep high competitiveness and barely maintain the positions in the supply chain of the industry. The study selected the companies in the channel industry of semiconductor parts and components as the study object, and made use of general questionnaires to collect data and measurements. Statistical techniques such as validity test, reliability test, multiple regression and covariance analysis were used to analyze and verify the findings. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. During the process of organizational reform, the cognition of rights and interests is showing positive effect on the commitment to organization. After the reform, the employees’ cognition of their rights and interests has a negative effect on the continual commitment to organization, but no significant effect on the normative commitment, and however, a positive effect on the emotional commitment. 2. Both the employees’ emotional and normative commitments have positive effect on the resignation intention; but the employees’ continual commitment has no significant effect on the resignation intention. 3. During the process of change, the employees’ cognition of their rights and interests has a negative effect on the resignation intention; and after the change, the effect is not significant. 4. The study discovers that there is intermediary effect of the employees’ commitment to organization; that is, during the process of reform, the effect on the resignation intention by the employees’ cognition of their rights and interests is being shifted, as the negative effect being weakened to be non-significant by the three dimensions of commitment to organization, i.e. emotional, normative, and continual commitment. From the conclusion of the study, we found out that the satisfaction of the employees to their rights and interests has certain effect on the resignation intention, and the continual commitment has no significant effect on the resignation intention, and such finding suggests the “keep the talent” strategy for the human resources department. And that leads us to suggest two focuses of the “keep the talent” strategy in the practice of management as follows: 1. To effect a temporary solution, during the reform process, same emphasis shall be put on both the company target and the employees’’ rights and interests. 2. To perform a radical cure, it is necessary to review policies concerning the salary and fringe benefit system to make it a more clear cut bonus-penalty tool to provide instant inspiration and reward for good performance, and even make it a not-easy-to-let-go whenever an employee is thinking of resignation.


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31. 顧忠平(2005),員工之組織變革認知與其組織承諾關聯性之研究-以國防部軍政體系幕僚機構為例,中原大學企業管理系碩士學位論文。
32. Becker, H. S.(1960), “Notes on the Concept of Commitment”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 66, 32-42.
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蔡明勳(2010)。企業購併下員工權益認知、工作滿足感與離職傾向 關聯性之研究-以製藥產業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2107201013085000
