  • 學位論文


The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Dynamic Relationship between Taiwan Stock and Bond Markets

指導教授 : 陳達新


本文乃探討2007年所發生之次貸金融風暴前後,台灣股市與債市間關聯性之研究,分次貸金融風暴前、風暴期間以及風暴結束後三階段進行實證,摘取台灣股債市之波動性、收益性與流動性等方面共七項變數資料,經由單根檢定、Johansen共整合檢定、向量自我迴歸模型與誤差修正模型、Granger 因果關係檢定以及衝擊反應函數分析等時間序列計量方法,來達成本文之研究目的。實證結果發現: 一、台灣股票與債券市場在次貸金融風暴前中後各階段皆存在共整合關係,即股債市之波動率、報酬率與流動率等變數間,存在長期均衡關係,由此說明台灣股票與債券市場關係密切。 二、台灣股市與債市間存在“ flight-to-quality ”的特徵,亦存在跨市場間波動傳導 ( volatility spillover effect ) 之現象。 三、愈是在經濟金融環境惡劣、市場劇烈震盪的時期,台灣股市債市的關聯性愈高,實證發現在次貸金融風暴發生期間,台灣股債市存在三組雙向回饋 ( feedback ) 因果關係,而在次貸風暴前則僅有一組。 四、在經濟穩定成長階段(如次貸風暴前),投資人最好的投資選擇就是盡量提高股市的投資比重;反之,在市場劇烈波動階段(如次貸風暴發生期間或結束後之回復時期),台灣債券市場確實成功扮演了股市避險的角色,對於有最低持股限制的共同基金或機構法人而言,運用股債平衡策略將債券投資比重提高,不失為一個有效的避險方法。 五、由衝擊反應分析的結果發現,在不同的時空與市場環境下、股票與債券交易員將會有不同的交易行為,進而影響股市與債市報酬的表現,本研究之結果可提供專業金融交易人員與經理人一個操作上參考之依據。


This study examines the dynamic relationship between Taiwan stock and bond markets before and after the financial crisis in 2007. We employ volatility, return and liquidity datum of both stock and bond markets and analyze them by using Unit Root test, Johensen Co-integration test, VAR model, VECM model, Granger Causality test, and Impulse Response Function. Our empirical results are as below: 1. Co-intergration exits in Taiwan stock and bond markets before and after the financial crisis in 2007. 2. The characteristic of “flight-to-quality” and “volatility spillover effect “ exist in Taiwan stock and bond markets. 3. The more severe the financial environment is, the higher the correlations between stock and bond markets are. Evidence shows that there are three feedback relations in Taiwan stock and bond markets during the financial crisis. 4. When the economic growth is stable, the best selection for investors is to increase equity proportion in the portfolio. Otherwise, using stock-bond balanced strategy is a good way to hedge risk when markets are quite volatile. 5. According to the results of Impuslse Response Function, we conclude why stock and bond traders will take different actions under different market conditions.


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