  • 學位論文


A Study on the Interactions and Interrelationships Between Internet Marketing and Market Penetration Benefits via Online Customization: A Case Study of Online Customized Goods and Services

指導教授 : 劉祥熹


論文題目:從網路客製化觀點探討網路行銷與市場滲透效益之關聯性-網路客製化商品與服務之個案研究  論文頁數:128 所 組 別:國際企業研究       系(所)     組(學號:79635114 ) 研 究 生: 余敬柔          指導教授:劉祥熹教授兼所長 遠大於不透過網路客製化 論文提要內容: 網際網路的出現帶改廠商們許多挑戰和機會。他們必須找出更有效率更創新的方式來滿足 客人,而網路客製化就是這樣的一個方法。 本論文研究目的有三: (一)對網路客製化進行更深入的了解並釐清其構面。(二)從過去 的各種相關文獻尋找出共識。(三)透過網路客製化者評估網路行銷透過網路客製化 對網路市場滲透效益所造成的影響。最後根據實證結果對廠商提供實務上的建議並期 望網路客製化能成為網路行銷的一大工具。 本文實證結果顯示網路行銷對網路市場滲透效益有正面的影響,可是經由網路客製化本文 實證結果顯示透過網路客製化對網路市場滲透效益造成的影響遠大於不透過網路客製化。


ABSTRACT A Study on the Interactions and Interrelationships Between Internet Marketing and Market Penetration Benefits via Online Customization: A Case Study of Online Customized Goods and Services By Joseph Yu May 2009 ADVISOR: DR. HSIANG-HIS LIU DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAJOR: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEGREE: MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The use of internet has made human life more convenient, massive amount of people are making internet an important part of their live everyday. The importance of internet marketing are outgrowing the traditional way of marketing. Marketer are trying to find ways to adapt the internet and try to make the best out of it. The first objective of the research is to clarify and give a more comprehensive understand of the online customization concept. The research also examine the theory and related current literature on marketer based market penetration benefits, and reevaluate some of the antecedents of internet marketing from the literature in order to reach a consensus on the concept. The third objective, redefine the concept of customization on understanding the concept of the traditional concept of customization online is critical to internet marketing and market penetration benefits. The final goal of the research is to assess the effectiveness of the redefined customization as an important factor to Internet marketing, and how it affect the internet market penetration benefits. The empirical results reveals online customization served as an important intermediary between Internet marketing and internet market penetration benefits. The direct effects through Internet marketing to Market penetration benefits are much smaller than the indirect effect from Internet marketing to Internet market penetration benefits through online customization as an intermediary. Keywords: Internet Marketing, online customization, internet market penetration benefits, online customized goods, online customized service.


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