  • 學位論文


Penetration strategy of Taiwanese banks into China migrating from the best practice of foreign banks

指導教授 : 白俊男 林泉源


在過去數十年台灣經濟發展的過程中,金融業始終扮演著支持產業成長的重要角色。而隨著中國經濟開放及全球產業分工之趨勢,已使眾多台灣產業自1990年起在中國大量投資,然而,礙於兩岸政治環境與法令限制,金融業遲遲無法跟隨台商西進以提供資金協助與金融服務,這不僅影響了台商競爭力的提升,也阻斷了台資銀行在海峽另一端商機。加以自台灣加入WTO以來,政府積極推動金融自由化與國際化,陸續解除國內各項金融管制,發展一系列的金融改革措施以及放寬外資銀行在台灣的投資與業務經營限制,使得我國金融市場競爭日益激烈。台灣國內銀行因無法有效開拓海外市場(包含中國大陸市場),遂趨向激烈的價格競爭,追逐在台灣的有限客戶與業務;長此以往,台灣銀行業的競爭力乃大幅下滑。 另方面,中國在加入WTO以後也大幅開放金融市場,尤其在2007年開放人民幣消費金融業務吸引了眾多國際金融服務業的投資,兩相對照,台灣銀行業坐困愁城,商機盡失,實為可惜。適値新政府上任,兩岸關係趨向和平,其開放兩岸金融往來之主張應可實行,亦有助於台灣金融機構落實其大陸擴展策略。外商銀行在中國大陸發展經年,其經驗與策略應可提供國內銀行未來在中國大陸經營策略之重要參考。 前述即為本文之研究背景、動機與目的,研究方法則以文獻分析為主,透過大量資料蒐集與歸納比較,並利用個案分析歸納整理出建議與結論,是為第一章。第二章說明與台資銀行西進有關之全球化、策略制定及最新經濟利潤之相關理論與文獻。第三章在點出台灣銀行業當前之經營困境,而其一關鍵因素即在未能開闢商機龐大中國大陸市場;同時剖析中國大陸目前之金融環境,對外資銀行之相關法令限制,及市場競爭情況,以知己知彼,作好西進之萬全準備。第四章則觀察外資銀行在中國的發展過程、現況與經驗,以策略管理之SWOT分析與策略鑽石理論為基礎,分析外資銀行進軍中國大陸之策略模式,並就三家在中國發展有成的外資銀行做個案分析。第五章以外資銀行的發展經驗及模式為師,以現行兩岸允許之法令架構為範疇,並以台資銀行的個別競爭優勢特質為考量,分析台灣銀行業西進中國的可行模式與經營策略,並得出結論為現階段台資銀行應以透過CEPA模式在香港設立子行之方式前進大陸最為可行,而初期業務策略應聚焦在熟悉之核心台商客戶區塊及核心企金、消金商品,才能迅速站穩中國金融市場,尋求進一步獲利利基。然而必須提醒的是,西進中國大陸也存在著許多潛在風險,尤其是國家體制風險,台資銀行西進應先設定退場機制。期望這些建議能對欲西進之台灣銀行業有所參考與助益。


Banking industry has always played a key role in supporting the growth of country’s industries and economics in the past decades. In line with the opening of China economics and the trend of globalization, most of the Taiwanese industries and companies have moved their manufacturing bases into mainland China since mid 1990’s. However, Taiwanese banks were blocked mainly due to the tightening cross-strait relations and restrictions. As a result, not just Taiwanese corporate lost a reliable funding source to support their growth, also Taiwanese banks lost the huge business opportunities at the other side of Taiwan Strait. Furthermore, after joining WTO, Taiwan government has actively implemented a series of banking reforms and liberalization of foreign investments and business items, making the market even more competitive. Taiwanese banks have since gradually lost their competitive advantage by taking price war competition in the confined local market. On the other hand, China has largely opened up the banking market to foreign banks since it joined WTO. A lot of foreign banks flushed into China to capture the great business opportunities, especially in 2007 China opened the RMB retail banking business to foreign banks. Compartively, Taiwan is in an unfavourable situation. Nevertheless, now there is a light of opening up the cross strait banking gate and Taiwanese banks’ business development in China upon the inauguration of the new government which is supportive of open-up pllicy. The business experience of other international banks which have been in China for years could be a good reference for Taiwanese banks. The above is the background, initiative, and purpose of this reseach. In addition, Chapter One also stipulated the reseach methodologies which include data collection, paper searching and analysis, case study, summary and comparison. Chapter Two described the relevant academic theories of globalization, strategic management, and the newest economic profit concept adopted by advanced international banks. Chapter Three pointed out the challenges faced by Taiwanese banks out of which the restricted China policy is a key factor affecting the performance. In this Chapter, a lot of information of China banking environment and the relevant regulations on foreign bank’s operations in China has been analyzed. Chapter Four observed the development progress and experience of foreign banks in China, and used SWOT and strategy diamond theories to analyse their strategic business models. 3 major market players of foreign banks (Citibank, Hong Kong and Shaihai Banking Corp., and Standard Charterd Bank) have been compared as case study. Lastly, in Chapter Five, this paper base on foreign banks’ experience and best practice in China, currently workable legal framework, Taiwanese banks’ competitive advantage, concluded the following recommendations for Taiwanese banks which are planning to develop business in China: i) Penetrating in China through CEPA model in HK; ii) Focusing on Taiwanese client segment and own core product capability on Corporate and Consumer Banking in the first phase; iii) Making available contingency and risk management plans to deal with potential risks in worst case scenario. Sincerely hope this research could be of good reference for those local banks which would like to penetrate and develop business in mainland China.


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