  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Factors that Influence Coast Guard Command Military and Civilian Investigators' Job Performance

指導教授 : 周愫嫻 孫懿賢


行政院海岸巡防署依組織法下設海洋巡防總局及海岸巡防總局,洋、岸總局各自設立偵緝單位。海岸巡防總局下轄各地區巡防局設各縣市機動查緝隊。查緝隊主要任務為海域(岸)犯罪偵查及海巡安全情報蒐集等事項。查緝隊編制為軍文併用,查緝員由軍、文職(包含少數警職轉任文職)人員所構成。 海域(岸)犯罪偵查及及海巡安全情報蒐集為專業性事務,尤以海域(岸)之犯罪偵查具有隱匿性高、類型甚廣、程序冗雜之特性,具較高偵查難度。為能使海巡署查緝隊達到適才適任,專業分工,創造優異績效,應先深入探討軍職及文職查緝員,在海域(岸)犯罪偵查及海巡安全情報蒐集之不同類型工作,及各類型工作的不同階段之工作表現關係,深入瞭解各職別長處,藉此達到適度調配查緝人力,充分發揮偵緝能量。 檢視海巡署各縣市機動查緝隊軍、文職查緝員共計15項基本的人口特徵項目,除性別、服務地區、會的語言種類及個人特質整體構念沒有差異外,其餘在統計方法的檢視下均達到顯著差異,顯然軍、文職人員基於各自任用資格的條件下,在本質上確實存在著差異。 在查緝隊的工作環境下,總有為數不少的現職人員基於人口本質的差異,對查緝員間的工作表現存在著臆測,但是在本次研究可以發現在統計方法的考驗下,在軍、文職查緝員整體的工作表現上並沒有顯著性的差異。因此,本研究認為軍、文職人員在查緝工作方面,無論是透過實務工作的心得交換及經驗交流,或者執行勤務的統合作用,在不斷磨合與相互學習之下,對彼此的優缺點,總能不斷的縮小差異。 然在工作表現的結果沒有顯著性差異,並非代表軍、文職查緝員在形成工作表現的影響因素不會有所差異!研究發現軍職查緝員的工作表現受到配偶的支持、組織因素的激勵制度及個人競爭型特質等因素的影響,而文職查緝員的工作表現則僅決定於個人的競爭型特質。由此可知,軍職查緝員之工作表現受到環境因素、個人內化特質及工作態度的影響,而文職查緝員的工作表現則取決於個人的內化特質及工作態度。因此,軍、文職查緝員在形成工作表現的影響因素上確實有顯著差異。 關鍵詞:海巡署、 查緝員、軍職、文職、工作表現


海巡署 查緝員 軍職 文職 工作表現


According to its organizational act, the Coast Guard Administration has two main bureaus: the Maritime Patrol Directorate General and the Coastal Patrol Directorate General. Both have established their own investigative units. The Coastal Patrol Directorate General has the Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Cost Patrol Offices with a mobile investigative squad established in each county and city. Those investigative units are responsible mainly for criminal investigation and intelligence collection. They are made up by both military and civilian (including a small number of former police officers) investigators. Criminal investigation and intelligence gathering are professional activity. The maritime (costal) criminal investigation is a highly difficult task that can be characterized by uneasy-to-detect targets, diverse types of offenses, and complicated operational procedures. In order to recruit competent investigators, enhance division of work, and achieve excellent job performance, it is thus important to analyze the attitudinal and behavioral differences between military and civilian investigators. A deep analysis allows a better understanding of the strengths of military and civilian personnel, which hopefully leads to a more appropriate job assignment and an enhanced capability of criminal investigation. Survey data collected from mobile investigative squads revealed that military and civilian investigators differed in eleven out of the fifteen background characteristics. There is no difference between the two groups in gender, service area, language, and personality. It seems that some fundamental differences exist between military and civilian investigators mainly due to separate recruitment requirements. Under current working environment, a lot of employees stereotype the performance of military and civilian investigators because of the basic differences between the two groups. This study, however, found that military and civilian investigators did not differ in their overall job performance. The strengths and weaknesses associated with military and civilian investigators could be better reconciled through exchange of work experience, integrated job assignment, and mutual learning and adjustment. Although military and civilian investigators did not differ in job performance, variation was found in factors influencing their performance. Military investigators’ performance was predicted by spousal support, organizational incentive system, and competitive personality, while civilian investigators’ performance was predicted solely by competitive personality. These results suggest that military investigators’ performance was influenced by environmental factors, individual personality, and occupational attitudes, whereas civilian investigators’ performance was shaped by individual personality and occupational attitudes. Thus some differences exist in factors that affect military and civilian investigators’ job performance. Keywords: Coast Guard Administration, investigator, military personnel, civilian personnel, job performance




張力文(2015)。我國國境政策之研究 以海巡署查緝越南人民利用大陸漁船 偷渡來臺為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0218784
