  • 學位論文

甲基安非他命製造集團之個案研究 – 以鍾某集團為例

A Case Study of Methamphetamine Manufacturing Group – An Example of Zhong Group

指導教授 : 許春金


製毒集團的成員扮演著供給者之角色,想要抑制毒品之氾濫,須從禁絕毒品之來源著手,故筆者 研究臺灣地區以鍾某為首之製毒集團,希能對此一主題做一初探。因此,本研究之研究目的包括以下 面向:一、研究鍾某甲基安非他命製造集團成員成長背景、家庭及求學狀況。二、藉由研究鍾某甲基 安命製造集團,以探究臺灣地區製安集團之聚合原因、組織分工、運作模式、工廠區位、犯罪副文化 等。三、根據研究發現提出臺灣地區甲基安非他命犯罪之預防建議。 本研究係採質化分析方式,以立意抽樣選出臺灣地區具有獨特性及代表性之鍾某製毒集團,先整 理各類型犯罪集團之文獻資料,以歸納犯罪集團之特性,再針對2名鍾某集團成員及2名偵辦此案之 司法人員作深度訪談,並對照偵查報告、起訴書、偵證照片、通訊監察錄音等資料,以描繪出鍾某集 團犯罪之全貌。 而研究發現結果如次:一、集團成員大部分均有經濟困窘的問題,犯罪動機多因貪求暴利。二、 集團成員少年時即有大量偏差行為,偏差同儕成為生命歷程中重要人士。三、集團之運作端賴聰明而 能服眾之領導者。四、選擇工廠地點首重減少可能之監控者。五、鍾某集團生命週期短卻有相當長之 青壯年期。 最後,提出研究建議如下:一、縮減原料供給,壓縮製安集團生存空間。二、灌輸民眾對製毒集 團之概念,以增加有能力之監控者。三、改變監所收容生態,減少犯罪技巧之交流。


The members in methamphetamine manufacturing groups are acting the methamphetamine suppliers. We need to restrain the methamphetamine spreading by eradicating its resources. Therefore, this research probes into this topic by studying a case of methamphetamine manufacturing group - “Zhong Group.” The research purposes are: A. Study the background, family, and studying stage of the members in “Zhong Group.” B. Investigate the group gathering, organization, operation pattern, factory position, and subculture of crime of “Zhong Group.” C. Propose the related precautions of crime in Taiwan. This research applies qualitative research to select the unique and representative methamphetamine manufacturing group -“Zhong Group” by purposive sampling method. And then collecting related literatures, and interviewing two major members in “Zhong Group” and two legal investigating members to generalize the specifications of methamphetamine manufacturing group. Finally, doing the comparison with the mentioned above by related investigation reports, indictment, related pictures, recording to describe the complete picture of “Zhong Group.” And the research results include: A. Most of the members in “Zhong Group” have the difficult financial status in their families. The major committing motivations of them are in order to earn abnormal returns. B. Most of the members in “Zhong Group” have the deviating behaviors in their boyhood. And the peer group influences them a lot at the boyhood stage. C. The leader of the methamphetamine manufacturing group has the well leadership and capability to operate the group running. D. The less “capable guardians” would be the better locations for factory setting. Finally, the research recommendations include: A. Reduce the resources of methamphetamine materials can scale down the methamphetamine manufacturing groups’ existence space. B. Establish the concepts of methamphetamine manufacturing groups to people to increase the “capable guardians.”


