  • 學位論文


Feminist Perspective on Gender Equality

指導教授 : 劉幸義


隨著1985年第三次世界婦女大會提出「性別主流化」的概念,女性意識提升,台灣亦有一波波相關促進性別平等之立法,惟在立法日趨完善的今日,性別不平等之案件仍時有所聞,如何將平等立法落實於社會生活實為一重要課題。本文藉由女性主義法學的觀點來進行對於法律的批判,從勞動法領域檢視法律對於女人的不平等,用不同於於傳統法律解釋的方式重新檢視目前的法律。 本文的撰寫分為六大章,第壹章是緒論,說明本文之研究動機、方法與目的;第貳章是女性主義法學,從女性主義法學討論性別平等的問題是希望能夠補充現行平等權的審查,從另一個視角檢視現行的法律,無論是制訂或是運用上是否有盲點,挑戰現有的權力架構;第參章是性別平等的違憲查,首先釐清性別間的「差異」是什麼,何時是「真實差異」或僅僅為「刻板印象」,接著討論違憲審查之基準,第肆章是檢討優惠性差別待遇對於平等權審查密度的影響;第伍章是勞動法領域的案例分析;第陸章是結論與建議。 良善的立法應該是具有性別敏感度、正視性別意識的法律,由於歷史上曾經存在著性別歧視,甚至遺毒也留存至今,無論行政、立法、司法更應在決策、制訂法律、審判的過程中提高性別敏感度,考量不同性別間生理、心理、社會的差異,注意婦女結構上的不平等,非單純排除表面歧視性立法。


The concept “gender mainstreaming” is proposed by Third World Conference on Women in1985. Because of this proposal, the female consciousness was raising. In Taiwan, lawmakers drew up several relating laws concerned with gender, including Gender Equality in Employment Act and Labor Standards Act. . From the perspective of laws, it seemed to pay equal attention to males and females; however, gender discrimination is still widely prominent in modern society even the concept of gender equality had already been acknowledged in legal documents. In other words, how to realize the concept gender equality in society and authentic working field is an important issue to modern people.. This study is to analyze the labor law from the feminist perspective, using a different method from the traditional interpretation and reexamine the current law in Taiwan. The thesis is divided into six chapters. First, chapter one is the introduction section, including the motivation, purpose of research and methodology. Chapter two is the analysis of feminist legal theory. From this perspective, the researcher hopes to supply another view on judicial review of equal protection, trying to find the defects of current laws to challenge the existing power structure.Thirdly, chapter Three is the discussion of judicial review on gender equality, and the concept of“difference”between men and women is clearly clarified to reveal what is “real difference”and what is“stereotype.”In addition, the discussion about the standards of judicial review is included in this chapter. Chapter four is the impact of affirmative action on judicial review.Besides, chapter five is the analysis of case studies related with labor lawand chapter Six, the final part, is the conclusions and recommendations. Judicious current laws should be made through paying attention to gender awareness and sensibility. In the past, because of incomplete consideration, gender discrimination existed, producing negative effects and some of which still are present now. The wholeness of legislation should be much more gender sensitive instead of being gender-blind. In legislation, the elimination of external facial in genders is not enough. Specifically, gender sensibility should be carefully comprised in laws from consideration of physiology, psychology, social differences and the structure inequality of females so that a well-developed and integral situation could be expected in the future, reaching authentic gender equality in executive, legislative and judicial perspectives. To consider whole elements between men and women, including physiology、psychology and social differences, attention to women’s structural inequality.


王曉丹,從法社會的觀點論與女性主義立法行動-女性主義法學在台灣的實踐及其法律多元主義的面貌,東吳法律學報,第19卷第1期,2007年7月,頁 51-78。
王玉葉,美國高等教育優惠待遇何去何從-美國最高法院拒絕審理Hopwood v. Texas案之省思,歐美研究,第34卷第3期,2004年9月,頁457-509。


林少尹(2013)。性別平等法規範與父權社會規範之角力 -以民法子女姓氏約定制度為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2211201316564761
