  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Location Selection of Taiwanese Firm's FDI in China - Spatial Econometric Analysis

指導教授 : 徐芳霞


二十一世紀的現在,中國大陸快速發展,憑藉著充足且廉價的勞動力,使中國大陸儼然成為「世界工廠」。台灣擁有地理位置與語言之優勢,大陸地區自然成為台商重點發展之區域。面對著幅員遼闊的中國大陸,台商是如何依據各種不同的省區因素而選擇其決定的投資區位?此外,台商之間彼此是否會相互吸引使得投資區位趨向集中而形成所謂的「聚集效果」進而對後進台商造成影響? 以往對於台商赴大陸投資區位選擇之研究,雖然觀察了中國大陸各省之總體經濟因素對台商大陸投資區位分佈的影響,但卻忽略了相鄰區域資料相關性可能較高的事實。本文將以2000年至2007年台商對大陸地區對外直接投資及中國大陸各省區之統計資料,研究台商赴大陸投資會受到哪些區域特性之影響,並使用空間計量經濟學研究方法探討台商FDI是否另外受到空間上之相互影響,希望能藉由加入空間因素以更加清楚的釐清哪些大陸省份特性會影響到台商FDI,同時探討對於台商而言是否有空間上的聚集效果。 本研究結果發現:(1)當地市場對於吸引台商投資是負向之影響,顯示台商赴當地投資可能不是為了提升市場佔有率,而是產品加工後的出口;工資水準以及教育水準對台商FDI有正向之影響,顯示對於台商而言,勞工素質可能才是優先考量之因素;基礎建設對於吸引台商投資有正面效果;外商投資額對於台商區位選擇影響是正向的,台商可藉由與外商生產網絡之連結以獲得產出之綜效。(2)加入空間因素之考量後,顯著地提升模型的解釋力。此外,空間誤差模型之結果證明了台商的投資確實會受到鄰近地區影響。模型中空間相關係數呈現正向顯著之結果,表示台商投資之大陸省區在空間上確實有聚集之情形。


The twenty-first century, China rapid development with the adequate and cheap labor which making it become the "world factory." Taiwan has the advantage of geographical location and language, so naturally Taiwan’s firms focus on the development of the region. Facing the vast expanse of China, Taiwan’s firms are how to choose the investment location which has different factors? In addition, Taiwan’s firms are attracted to each other will become the "aggregation effect" and then impact on backward firms from Taiwan? The purpose of this study is to discuss FDI from Taiwan’ firms investment in China will be subject to the effect of regional characteristics, and use of spatial econometric method to discuss if any another interaction by the space. We hope to join the spatial econometric by a more clearly clarify the factors which affect the Taiwanese FDI of China provinces. Also explore whether there is "aggregation effect" for Taiwan’ firms. The important empirical results obtained from this study are as follows: 1. Taiwanese Investment in the local market for the effect is negative, indicating Taiwan businesses to invest may not be to increase market share, but exports of processed products; Wage level and the level of education of the Taiwanese FDI has a positive effect, labor quality maybe the priority of the factors; Infrastructure in attracting Taiwan’s FDI have a positive effect; foreign investment location choice for FDI from Taiwan impact is positive, Taiwan and foreign production network can be through the link to get the output of the synergy. 2. After adding the consideration of space factors, significantly enhance the model's explanatory power. Spatial error model results show Taiwan’s FDI will be affected by neighboring regions and spatial correlation results showed significant positive.


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