  • 學位論文


Exploring Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior and Efforts

指導教授 : 江義平


數位科技改變了資訊傳播的方式,資訊的產生與傳遞管道及方式變得更加快速與多元。近年來開始有少數進行網路知識分享行為的相關研究,但研究範圍僅鎖定單一網路資訊分享管道之行為(如:Wikipedia)。本研究為深入探究網路知識傳播的行為模式,擬於多個網路知識分享平台(即時通訊、部落格、Yahoo!奇摩知識+、網路社群/論壇)上探討知識分享行為的差異,以找出網路知識特性、分享管道特性與分享效果間之關係。 研究共回收有效樣本882份,利用結構模型方程式進行模型與假說的驗證,發現以下數點研究結果:1.知識的可編纂性愈高,愈易傾向使用豐富性高,及管道控制權程度高的管道進行知識分享;2.而知識的複雜性愈高時,則傾向使用管道的豐富性低、管道控制權程度低的管道分享;3.管道的豐富性、管道控制權程度愈高,則分享者所知覺到的人際報酬、資訊報酬也會愈高,對該知識分享的平台忠誠也愈高;4. 而在即時通訊、部落格、Yahoo!奇摩知識+、網路社群/論壇等四個網際網路分享平台中,亦存在著分享行為上的差異。最後,根據研究發現,本研究提出相關結論與實務建議提供參考。


知識分享 Web2.0 媒體豐富度


The evolution of digital technology changes the way of knowledge sharing through internet. The speed of information delivery becomes much faster, and creates more communicating diversity for knowledge sharing on the internet. Recently, only few relative researches on online knowledge sharing had been started, and they only focused on the behavior of one specific channel such as Wikipedia. In order to explore in-depth online knowledge sharing behavior, this research tries to observe the online knowledge behavior on multiple online channels, including instant messaging services, blogs, online forums, and Yahoo! Answers, to find out the relationship among the characteristics of shared knowledge, the functions of online channels, and the potential rewards of knowledge sharing. This research collected 882 valid samples and used structural equation modeling to analyze the data. The results showed when the knowledge becomes more modifiable, it would be more easily to be delivered via a channel with more richness and controllable. When shared knowledge is more complex, it would decrease the intention to use channel with more richness and controllable to share. While channel could provide more richness and controllability, knowledge sharers will receive more information and social rewards, which would also lead to increase users’ loyalty. Finally, base on the multi-sample analysis, the differences of the sharing behavior among instant messaging services, blogs, online forums, and Yahoo! Answers. Finally, further suggestions and implication are also provided.


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