  • 學位論文


A Study on 1980 and 1996 Hague Convention

指導教授 : 陳榮傳


國際社會為因應日益嚴重之挾持子女問題與兒童權利之保護,避免未成年子女之權利在高流動之全球化社會中遭到莫名犧牲,海牙國際私法會議於二十世紀後半葉通過三項重要之公約,對於國際間統一兒童保護之規範開啟了新的一頁。以身為國際社會一份子自許的我,對於保護兒童刻不容緩,自不能置身於事外。因此,本文希冀透過一九八○年海牙海牙關於國際間挾持兒童民事部分公約」、「一九九六年海牙在親權及保護兒童措施方面關於管轄、準據法、承認、執行與合作公約」之規範及其實踐之探討,進一步了解國際社會對於兒童保護之趨勢,使我國亦能在有關議題上緊跟隨國際脈動,尋得對兒童最佳之保障,始兒童能在台灣社會幸福、穩定的環境中成長。 首先,本文以一九八○年海牙公約制定之沿革和目的為開端,探討公約之適用範圍、中央主管機關之指定及其任務、被非法移送或留置兒童之返還、探視權、一般條款及最後條款,並對於公約之缺失試圖尋找可能之解決途徑,期待能使公約之功能發揮到最大(第二章 )。其次,以一九九六年海牙公約之架構為主軸,探討公約之適用範圍、管轄權之歸屬、準據法之尋找、措施之承認與執行、國際合作、一般條款及最後條款,並就各該條文之解釋與適用上爭議為一闡述(第三章)。同時,以海牙國際私法會議二○○七年三月對二○○六年十月、十一月間所舉行之第五次特別委員會會議所作成之報告為中心,針對一九八○年海牙公約實際在各國運作之情形,進行重新檢視,藉以獲悉理論與實際之差異,並探討一九九六年海牙公約所帶來之影響,觀察不同地區國家發展情形,以及與非締約國之關係(第四章)。最後,將前述對海牙公約之介紹及實際運用情形投射至我國國內現行之法制,希望能找出法制上對於兒童保護相關議題中之不盡完善之處,並對國內之實務操作與未來之立法方向有所啟發,且以新布魯塞爾Ⅱ規則之制定所帶來之啟示作為小結(第五章)。 觀之我國目前現狀,於國際社會上並未被認為係獨立主權之國家,自無加入公約之可能。且在公約現行之架構下,亦不允許以「組織」或「個別慣例上法域」的形式加入公約。唯一可能之道,係我國透過非政府組織以觀察員之身分,申請參與海牙國際私法會議之議,以期不致落於國際趨勢發展之外。然在上述可能性仍屬被動之情況下,本文建議,現階段積極之作法,應是透過國內立法之方式,將公約規定及其精神具體落實於我國法制上,同樣亦可達到與一九八○年及一九九六年海牙公約所追求之確保親權有效行使與兒童權利保障之目標相同之結果。


In an effort of the international community to cope with the increasingly serious problem of the kidnapped children and to protect the rights of the child, especially the minors, from being inexplicably sacrificed in the high mobility of the globalized society, the Hague Conference on Private International Law adopted three important convention in the late 20th century which opens a new page in the international unity of the child protection norms. We, as a member of the international community, cannot place ourselves outside of the protection of children. Therefore, in the hope of having a better understanding of the trend of the child protection in the international community through the study and its application of " The Hague Convention on The Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ", " Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children ", enable us to bear on the issue in line with international trends, find the best protection for children, leaves a happy and stable growing environment for our children. First, this paper begins with the purpose and the enactment of the Hague Convention enacted in 1980 to explore the application of the Convention, the designation of central authority and its duty, the return of illegally transferred or constrained children, visitation rights, the general and final provisions, and seek possible solution to the flaws of the Convention in an effort to expand the function of the Convention (Chapter 2). Second, base on the framework of the 1996 Hague Convention, discussing the scope of its application, the jurisdiction rights, the finding, application, recognition and enforcement of the applicable law, international cooperation, the general and final provisions, and the description of the dispute over the explanation and application of each provision (Chapter 3). In the mean time, take the report of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in March 2007 to the fifth session of the Special Committee held in October and November 2006 as basis. finding the differences between the theory and practice by reviewing the operation of the 1980 Hague Convention and the discussing the effect brought by the Hague Convention of 1996 as well as observing its development in different nations and the relations with non-parties (Chapter 4). Finally, projecting the aforementioned introduction of the Hague Convention and its use to the legal system in Taiwan, not only in the hope of revealing the imperfectiveness in the laws of child protection, but also to inspire current practice and future enactment. At last, take the inspiration brought by the new Brussels Ⅱ rule as a summary (Chapter 5). As a country not considered as sovereignty independent internationally, we are almost unlikely to accede to the Convention. Under the existing framework of the Convention, it is not allowed to accede to the convention in the form of "organization" or "individual practice on the jurisdiction." The only possibility not to be isolated in the international development is through non-governmental organizations as observers applying to participate in the agenda of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. However, the possibility remained passive in the circumstances. Therefore, this paper suggested the positive approach at this stage, should be through domestic legislation in a manner that will be the spirit of the provisions of the Convention and its implementation in the legal system of Taiwan. In this way, the same results of ensuring the effective exercise of parental authority and children's rights protection could be reached in coherence with the 1980 and the 1996 Hague Convention.


Hague Convention Child Protection


2. 吳光平,美國國際私法選法方法論與裁判管轄權法則之簡析,法令月刊,第56卷第7期,民94年7月。
7. 許耀明,涉外監護事件之準據法與相關國際公約,國立中正大學法學集刊,第18期,民94年4月。
11. 戴東雄,親屬編增修親權與會面交往權之行使(下),法令月刊,第50卷第1期,民88年1月。
4. Lawrence Collins, Dicey, Morris and Collins on The Conflict of Laws, London, 14th edition, 2006.
7. Paul R. Beaumont & Peter E. McEleavy, The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, Oxford, 1999.


