  • 學位論文


A Study of Divided Voting at a Shareholder’s Meeting

指導教授 : 劉連煜


近年來,我國以往在以散戶為主的證券市場,法人持股的比例漸漸從以往不到一成的比例提升到現在三成左右,外國機構投資人進入我國證券市場是最主要的核心,而外資進入我國證券市場依法必須透過國內保管銀行保管其購買之股票,在股東會召開時即遭遇到彙整實質股東不同意見之難題,進而無法指示保管銀行代為行使表決權,換言之,現行法制下可否就複數持股之一部分表決權為贊成之意思表示,一部分表決權為反對之意思表示之分割行使表決權,顯有疑問。於此,究竟表決權行使之意思表示是什麼性質,若允許一部贊成一部反對之分割行使,現行法令有何限制,又在我國法令下的機構投資人如何行使表決權,有多少機構投資人遇到這般困境,開啟了本文之研究旅程。 本文乃先從公司治理角度出發,以OECD揭示之公司治理原則闡釋股東在公司治理架構下之重要性,並就美國法上機構投資人興起與積極主義為介紹,重新檢視我國證券市場結構轉變下的契機。其次,再予檢討現行股東會程序與股東參與之相關問題,同時輔以介紹美國及日本股東會召開模式,尤其,美國之擬制人名義架構運作,與我國有截然不同,日本則在近年建置外國機構投資人通訊投票平台,可供作我國將來參考。接著再就現行我國機構投資人,包含證券投資信託事業、海外存託機構、外國機構投資人、信託業、退休基金、證券商、銀行及保險業等,針對此類機構投資人基本法律架構、持有我國有價證券之相關法律規定、法律關係,以及如何行使表決權,一一加以研析,並提出與公司治理相違背而有待改善之處。由於海外存託機構及外國機構投資人係透過保管銀行或存託銀行行使表決權,礙於現行法令規定造成保管銀行或存託銀行有不出席股東會或出席股東會而放棄行使表決權之情形,在實務上引發分割行使表決權之立法問題,本文先介紹美國、英國、德國、大陸、香港、韓國及日本等有關分割行使表決權規定,並就日本學理、實務上之討論加以研析,其次在臚列我國目前關於分割行使表決權之立法草案,並進一步就其適用主體、適用程序、分割行使表決權之效果、變更保管或中介機構、股務代理機構及與通訊投票併行等問題,一一提出研析與本文建議。


In recent years, the rate of institutional investor’s investing stocks becomes more and more larger in our security and exchange market. The foreign institutional investors are the major part of the institutional investors in the market. When the institutional investors bought stocks in our security and exchange market, they could instruct the custodian bank to custody their owned stocks. When the issuing company held the shareholder’s meeting, the institutional investors faced the difficult that they could not integrate the opinion of the beneficial owners. Therefore, the institutional investors may give up voting or attending the shareholder’s meeting. Thus, there has been a huge substantial controversy concerning divided voting at the shareholder’s meeting. Six chapters are in the present thesis. Chapter one is the introduction. Chapter two will introduce the governance of corporation and the shareholder’s activism. Chapter three describes the voting at the shareholde’s meeting in the main nations. I tried to compare the street name system between the U.S., Japan and Taiwan’s regulations. Chapter four focuses on the institutional investors’ voting system in Taiwan, including mutual funds, overseas institution of issuing depositary receipts, foreign institutional investors, trust companies, pension funds, securities investment trust companies, banks, and insuring companies. Chapter five introduces divided voting at a shareholder’s meeting. First, I tried to summarize the system of divided voting at a shareholder’s meeting of the U.S., the U.K., Germany, China, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan’s regulation. Second, I introduced amendment of article 181 of the Corporation Law in 2009. Finally, I analyzed the questions of the amendment. Chapter six is the conclusion of foregoing chapter and gives some advices.


