  • 學位論文


China's ASEAN Policy: A Neo-realism Perspective

指導教授 : 羅至美


本文的研究問題為:觀察中國自2000年以來積極涉入東南亞地區國際事務的政策作為,並分析與探討「中國在該區域的政策作為與目的為何?」、「中國的政策作為對東亞地區權力結構可能造成何種影響?」、「其政策作為將可能受到何種限制與制約?」;研究目的則是希望了解中國所採取的政策作為,對東亞權力結構可能造成的影響。以提供台灣未來在兩岸關係上的一些啟發,並且釐清中國政策作為的意涵以增加對中國的認識與理解。 研究方法以文獻分析法以及歷史分析法為主,本文蒐集特定學者的學術專書與文獻,來建構本文所需要的理論架構。同時針對本文的研究問題,蒐集相關的專門書籍、學術論著、期刊論文等,並且透過網際網路搜尋與本研究主題相關的官方網站、媒體網站、智庫網站以及數據與資料,期待能夠完整的、清晰的釐清本文所欲探討的研究問題。 本文的研究內容為:從新現實主義的視野出發,觀察2000年以來中國在東南亞地區的政策作為。本文分別探討中國與東協在安全領域以及經貿領域的合作,特別是中國為了促進東協國家的合作意願,所採取的政策作為對東亞權力結構的影響是本文的關注焦點。此外,本文也關注南海主權爭議以及美國在東亞地區所扮演的關鍵性角色。主要是因為來自結構以及地緣政治利益層次的限制因素,也將對中國在東南亞地區擴增影響力的政策作為造成某種程度的制約與影響。 本文的研究結果為:中國自2000年起分別與東協簽署包括《中國-東協經濟合作框架協議》、《中國-東協非傳統安全領域合作宣言》等合作協議,同時採取許多積極的政策作為來消除東協對中國的疑慮、促進東協的合作意願。這些作為皆可視為中國積極的擴展其在東南亞地區的影響力,目的是希冀能夠達成強權地位並且能夠參與、形塑國際體系,而非單純的對國際體系進行回應。很明顯的,中國對東亞權力結構的影響是全面的,使得美國在結束全球反恐戰爭後需要對此做出回應。但是中國的政策作為也受到來自結構以及地緣政治層次的制約與限制,就結構而論,美國才是東亞地區的「霸權行為者」,因此美國「重返亞洲」的政策作為,可被視為美國在進行「權力再平衡」動作以維繫自身的優勢;就地緣政治層次而論,南海主權爭議不僅可能影響東協國家對於中國長期意圖的評估,以及美國涉入該區域事務的態度。因此,來自結構與地緣政治的影響,將可能制約著中國希冀達成「區域強權」、「區域大國」的目的,而這也是中國未來必須省慎思考的議題,特別是如何在國內民族主義情緒高漲的情況下,做出最為有利於國家利益的選擇。


The research question of this article is to observe that china has involved in Southeast Asia’s international affairsactively since 2000, and to analyze and discuss "What is China’s policy and purpose in the Southeast Asia?", "How does China’s policy influence to the power structure of East Asia?", "China’s policy as may be subject to what limitations and constraints?"; The research objective is to understand the policies adopted by the Chinese as the possible impact of the power structure of East Asia, to provide Taiwan some inspiration on cross-strait relations in the future, and to clarify the implications of China’s policy as to increase our awareness and understanding of China. The research methods consist of Document analysis and Historical analysis. First, this article collects academic books and literature of particular scholar, to construct the framework of Neo-realism theory. Second, focus on research questions, this article collects specialized books, treaties, Journalist, etc. Third, this article alsogets the data and information from the official website, media website, think tank website, to clarify this article would explore research questions. The research contents are to observe China’s Southeast Asia policy by Neo-realism perspective. The paper discusses the cooperation between China and ASEAN in the field of security as well as economic and trade fields, especially the policies adopted by China in order to promote the ASEAN countries the willingness of cooperation. In addition, we are also concerned about the dispute over sovereignty in the South China Sea as well as the key role played by the United States in East Asia. Mainly because the limiting factor of the structure and of geopolitical interests, will also cause a certain degree of control and influence on China's policy in Southeast Asia. The results of this study show China signed with ASEAN, including "Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation","Joint Declaration of China and ASEAN on Cooperation in the Field of Non-traditional Security Issues," taking many positive policies to eliminate the concerns of ASEAN, to promote ASEAN's willingness to cooperate especially. The policies adopted by China can regarded as China actively expands its influence in Southeast Asia, reaches the great power status and wants to participate in shaping the international system, rather than respond to the international system. Obviously, China changed the power structure of East Asia, making the United States need to respond to this change after the end of the global war on terror. China policy as subject to the constraints and limitations of the structure as well as the geopolitical level: First, the United States is the most powerful hegemonic actors in East Asia, so the United States’ policy of Return to Asia as may be deemed the United States taking the power rebalancing action in order to sustain the primacy of U.S.; Second, the dispute over sovereignty in the South China Sea may affect not only the ASEAN countries for the assessment of long-term intentions of China, as well as their attitude of the United States involvement in the international affairs of the region. Therefore, the possible constraints of structure and geopolitical will influence China’s purpose of regional great power. China needs to think about the issues carefully, especially making the most conducive to China’s national interest decision when the rise of domestic nationalist sentiment.




