  • 學位論文


Examining TV Energy Consumption Behavior in Taiwanese Households: The Impact of Psychological and Socio-demographic Variables

指導教授 : 丁姵如


近年來,人們普遍認知到全球暖化造成世界各國天氣的極端和異常。2011年,台灣的人均二氧化碳碳排放量為11.31噸位居全世界第21名(國際能源總署世界能源統計資料)。台灣人均家庭用電量居世界第32名,遠遠超過其他工業進步國家,像是英國及德國(聯合國統計資料)。因此,台灣政府當局的政策注重在降低電力使用量,以減少碳排放。 過去許多研究者對家庭用電行為做過討論,他們對行為的討論主要可以分為節約用電的意圖和實際用電量。其中實際用電量所使用的資料是整戶家庭的用電度數或每兩個月的電費。然而,如此總括性的用電資料讓研究者無法看到更細節的內容。本研究利用財團法人資訊工業策進會所提供的「綠能管理套件」,並搭配「雲端智慧綠能管理系統(In-Snergy)」來蒐集單一電器的即時用電量。本研究選擇家庭中最普及的電器之一:電視為主體,討論影響家庭中電視的用電行為。 本研究包含四個自變數,即環境態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制和個人規範。前三個變數來自計劃行為理論,這是討論親環境行為時經常被使用到的理論之一。態度指的是一個人會對行為有利或不利的評價的程度,取決於此行為所需付出的成本、心力和時間以及能得到的收益。主觀規範指的一個人在意識到社會壓力後,會去做或避免去做某個行為。知覺行為控制的程度指的是一個人意識到完成某件行為的難易程度。個人規範來自規範-激化模型,同樣是經常被拿來解釋親環境行為的理論,指的是個人內化的道德規範,並且一個人會知覺到當自己從事某特定行為時是否會產生自我認同感。 本研究資料蒐集期間為2013年一月至2014年一月,將21套機器分別安裝至居住在大台北地區的受測家庭中,每戶家庭安裝期間至少為2至3週,安裝期滿後再將機器安裝至下一受測家庭。最終有效樣本為65戶家庭。所選用的資料分析方法為線性迴歸。結果發現:(1)節約用電意圖顯著受到心理變數(主觀規範)的影響。(2)電視實際用電行為不受人口統計變數影響。(3)電視實際用電行為是否受到心理變數影響,決定於該電器是否是處於需要被使用的狀態。


It is widely acknowledged in recent years that global warming has caused abnormal and extreme weather worldwide. The CO2emission per capita in Taiwan is 11.31 metric tons in 2011, which ranks #21 in the world (IEA, 2012). Taiwanese household electricity usage per capita ranks #32 in the world, far more than other developed nations, such as United Kingdom and Germany (UN,2005). Taiwanese government has thus focused on reducing electricity consumption as a means to cut carbon emission. For many household electricity consumption studies, the target variables which signifying energy consumption can be divided into two broad groups: energy saving intentions and actual electricity consumption. The information used for the later include is the amount of electricity consumed by the whole household every two months and/or the bi-monthly electricity bill. However, such an overarching data can only reveal limited amount of details concerning power usage throughout time. In this study, the real-time consumption data for one of most common brown goods, TV, is used. Such data is collected by the “Green Energy Management System for Cloud Intelligence” (In-Snergy) (provided by Taiwan Institute for Information Industry). Four psychological determinants are selected, namely environmental attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and personal norm. The first three determinants are the major constructs from Theory of Planned Behavior, which is one of the theories often used to discuss pro-environmental behavior. Environmental attitude is defined as the degree a person would determine the behavior as favorable or unfavorable depending on the its cost, effort and time, and potential benefits; whereas subjective norm refers to an individual’s perception of social pressure to perform a behavior or not and her motivations to comply with such social pressures. Perceived behavioral control refers to a person awareness of the degree of difficulty to complete a certain behavior. The last determinant, personal norm, is adopted from the Norm Activation Model and it is defined as an individual’s internalized moral which reflects the perceived level of self-approval and responsibility when engaging in a behavior. The research data were collected in the period from January 2013 to January 2014. Twenty one sets of In-Snergy tools were installed to households located in the greater Taipei area. Due to the limited number of tool sets, each set was installed in a household for the minimum of two to three weeks before it was installed to other households. The sample size in total is 65 households. The data analysis methods include descriptive analysis, principle component analysis, and the linear regression. The results showed that: (1) intention to reduce electricity consumption is significantly influenced by the psychological variables (subjective norm); (2) television consumption behavior is not significantly affected by demographic variables; (3) whether the appliance is in a state of need or not would determine how the television consumption behavior is affected by the psychological variables.


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