  • 學位論文


Study on Building Information Model Based on Cadastre Data

指導教授 : 江渾欽


飛速發展的資訊科技與計算機技術,帶動了全球空間資訊產業革命性的發展。傳統二維平面空間資訊逐漸進入三維的可視化(visualization)應用及立體空間分析,以三維地理資訊加上真實三維景觀視覺化的展現來呈現具體空間物件之應用需求,將成為目前地理資訊系統發展的新興趨勢。近年來,「數位城市」(Cyber City)的發展在全球掀起一股熱潮,其中三維建物模型的建構更是時下熱門的研究主題之一。過去多數的研究參與三維建物模型之建構,是以建物外觀形狀之LOD1∼2層次為主,其技術已經日益成熟,而三維房屋建模研究的下個階段,應是朝LOD3∼4建物細緻層次與整合真實建物資訊之加值應用發展前進。 目前常用於三維房屋建模之資料大部分存在著資料老舊、取得不易、成本昂貴及精度不佳等問題,有鑒於此,回顧我國地政單位之建物測量係為政府部門在現行法令及業務職掌中,唯一辦理建物平面與位置圖測繪之作業,其建物測量成果圖不僅記載建物平面及位置空間資料之外,各建物平面皆附有相關地籍屬性資料紀錄,將可成為相當具有加值應用潛力的三維建物塑模圖籍資料來源之一。 基於以上,本研究即以地籍建物為出發點,提出地籍建物三維資訊模型建立之概念。其研究成果可以分成三部分,第一,規劃地籍建物樓層平面圖建置作業設計,建立具有向量特性、屬性資訊及位相關係之「樓層平面圖」圖資,以為三維建物模型之塑模資料基礎。第二,參考CityGML之建物資料語意模型(semantic model),建立地籍建物結構物件實體關聯,進而規劃地籍建物資訊模型建置作業設計,以資料導向(Data-driven)幾何建模方式,完成兼具視覺資訊與非幾何資訊之建築資訊模型,朝往實現BIM(Building Information Modeling)模型之理念發展。第三,依循上述作業設計,實際驗證地籍建物資訊模型之建立與成果展示,並估算整體實作建置時間,以及提出成果相關應用發展方向,期能提供後續研究發展或相關領域延伸運用之參考。


Rapid development of information technology and computer technology push the revolutionary development of global spatial information industry forward. Gradually, the traditional 2D spatial information turns into the application of 3D visualization and 3D spatial analysis. Using 3D GIS with the real display of 3D landscape visualization to represent the needs of specific applications of space objects will become the emerging trends of the GIS development nowadays. In recent years, the construction of Cyber City in the world makes an upsurge; at the same time, the establishment of 3D building model is especially one of the popular topics no matter in domestically or abroad. Most of the researches participated in the construction of 3D building model which were mainly based on building exterior shape of the level-of-detail (LOD) 1 – 2. Now, the technology has become more sophisticated while the next stage of the 3D building modeling researches should develop towards LOD3 - 4 of detail building and integration of real value-added information for application development and advancement. Currently, most of the data used in 3D building modeling have several shortcomings such as old version, difficulty of obtainment and expensive and poor accuracy. Therefore, among current laws and regulations, the work of building survey in Lands Department is the only survey conducted by Government which includes building surface and cadastral location mapping information. The result map of building survey records not only the building plane and the location of spatial data, the various building plane are also accompanied by the relevant cadastral property information records. Thus, it will be one of the sources with the potential value-added applications of the 3D building information modeling data. Overall, we take the cadastre building as a starting point in this paper and propose the concept of the construction for spatial data model of cadastre building. Results of this research can be divided into three parts. Firstly, we plan an operational design to build the floor surface mapping of cadastre building with vector features, properties and topological relations which is the basis of modeling data of 3D building model. Secondly, according to CityGML of building data semantic model, we establish the substantial associations of cadastral building’s structure-objects. Then, planning an operational design to construct the spatial data model of cadastre building which successfully completes the building information model with visual information and non-geometric information by data-oriented geometric modeling approach to implement the BIM model concept. Thirdly, following the operational designs, we actually validate the construction and display the spatial data model of cadastre building. Moreover, this research and estimates for the overall experimental time and proposes the directions for the related applications of these research results. Also, this research wish to provide some suggestions for follow-up research development or related fields.




