  • 學位論文

影音場域體驗對於時尚品牌形象建立之探討與應用 ─以In Fashion雜誌使用影音場域公關活動模式為例

Building the fashion brand from image and sound space ─ taking In Fashion magazine publicist as an example

指導教授 : 王雅倫


時尚品牌行銷不僅帶來了影音體驗風潮,更是二十世紀初風行全球的話題,不但牽動著消費趨勢,也深深影響了人類對於生活品味的渴求。因此,許多產業紛紛走向具時尚感的形象塑造,希望融入當代消費市場中。本研究即是探討在八○年代後的全球化時尚媒介開放與科技藝術發展之下,時尚品牌形象的塑造如何逐漸轉向影音場域體驗。其中,時尚發表的場域體驗以及與公關公司合作,便是一項重要契機,藉由公關公司的宣傳活動打造與呈現具體的風格體驗,是現今表現時尚感的重要元素。由風格體驗將視聽覺轉化成內心的感動,達到時尚品牌高感性行銷之目標。 本研究目的便是希望尋找影音場域如何成為品牌形象塑造之要素,以及探討影音對於行銷與品牌上的重要性觀念,讓台灣自創時尚品牌的業者,能有一套影音行銷參考之架構。此外,本研究希望透過對時尚、品牌形象與時尚行銷等文獻探討,及「創逸」公關公司之個案研究與深度訪談活動實例,驗證影音場域體驗對於品牌形象塑造之影響與運用。 並將台灣時尚媒體產業的「In Fashion」雜誌為創作對象,設計一套專屬「In Fashion」雜誌的影音創作,提供「In Fashion」雜誌對於影音行銷之參考模式,並且讓時尚研究及影音設計者更多發展的可能性及自我創作的實驗空間。


Fashion branding brings people not only the image and sound space experience, but also becomes a globally discussed subject in the twenty first century. It creates the trend of consumption and deeply influences people’s desire of taste of life style. Therefore, many industries adopt the technique of branding in order to create an〝in fashion〞image. This study is to discuss the looksmanship processing of fashion brands under the wide-opening fashion media and the highly development of techart after 80’s. Keystone in this trend of looksmanship development is the image and sound space presentation and the PR (public relations) company’s propaganda. the image and sound space presentation’ s purpose is to transform the outside luscious excitement into inside movement to reach the goal of fashion brands highly perceptual marketing. This study is to find out how Field theory in image and sound space becomes an important role in brand looksmanship. This study also acts as an important guideline for the designers in Taiwan to build their own brands. A video, using In Fashion magazine as a subject, is created for designers to refer to. Consequently, the fashion workers and Image with sound space designers will have a broaden capacity to experiment their own creative work.


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【2】 On2:History of fashion,
