  • 學位論文


A Study on Emission Estimation and Method establishment of VOCs - the examples of air quality in central Taiwan

指導教授 : 許逸群 林銳敏 陳賢焜


本研究依台灣地區已建立之排放源資料庫(Taiwan Emission Databases, TEDs),引援美國FIRE與SPECIATE兩套排放係數資料庫,以方法論架構進行固定源及面源VOCs排放量推估,討論資料庫套用合理性評估。依據現行污染源排放資料庫數據,針對中部空品區排放資料,配合污染源分類碼(Source Classify Code)及細項有機污染物排放分率換算,建構固定源及面源VOCs排放清單,並配合重要有機污染源實際檢測VOCs,建立本土化排放係數,進而與國外資料庫比對製程差異。此外,為瞭解中部空品區固定源及面源VOCs臭氧生成潛勢,本研究亦援引Carter建構VOCs之臭氧最大增量潛勢(MIR),藉由前述VOCs排放清單估算中部空品區臭氧潛勢,並確認區內重要高光化潛勢之固定源及面源。 研究結果顯示,引用SPECIATE資料庫推估排放量均高於FIRE資料庫,主因為TEDs6.0資料庫中基本資料缺漏嚴重,另一則為FIRE資料庫中污染源分類碼建構不甚完整,導致無法完整建置出排放特徵物種,其總排放量亦嚴重低估。依據TEDs6.0版排放量推估結果,中部空品區揮發性有機污染物固定源總排放約40千噸/年,面源排放則約68千噸/年,其四縣排放量皆以台中縣居多(40%、37%)。主要VOCs特徵污染物,固定污染源以Mineral spirits、苯-二甲苯 (Isomers of xylene)、甲苯 (Toluene) 為主,面污染源以甲苯 (Toluene)、乙醇(Ethyl alcohol)、戊烷 (somers of pentane)、苯乙烯 (Styrene) 為主。 依據SPECIATE3.2,中部空品區固定源及面源排放VOCs致臭氧最大生成潛勢約為23、58千噸O3/年產生,其VOCs單位臭氧潛能為0.4、0.95 gO3/ gVOC年;固定源排放VOCs致臭氧生成特徵行業別,以金屬製品處理業、塑膠製造業、紙製品製造業為主,其特徵排放物種為甲苯(Toluene)、丁酮(Methyl ethyl ketone)、苯乙烯(Styrene)等。面源排放特徵行業來自於建築表面塗裝-油性塗料,主要來源物種為: 甲苯(Toluene)、二甲苯(O-Xylene)。 此外,比對國內外排放係數顯示,因製程使用原物料不一、防制設備系統有無、活動強度及產品量差異性,導致FIRE資料庫與國內實測排放係數差異頗大。


This research is based on Taiwan Emission Databases, TEDs, and uses USA FIRE Date System and SPECITE Date System. This study investigates the emission assessment and photochemical reactivity of VOC released from stationary and area sources and discusses the rationality of data system using. According to data of TEDs, it also focuses on the example of air quality in central Taiwan by connecting to Source Classify Code and reducing from weight percentage of organic pollutant emission to set up the emission of stationary and area sources. Additionally, we built up local emission factors, practically examining VOCs from main organic pollutant, and then compared with oversea data system to understand the difference. Furthermore, in order to understand ozone incremental reactivity of stationary and area sources of the example of air quality in central Taiwan. According to the maximum incremental reactivity (MIR), the ozone formation potential of VOCs will be estimated. The importance of VOC from the special photochemical characteristics of stationary and area sources will be also discussed. Results of this research display that estimated amount of emission of SPECIATE Data System is higher than FIRE Data System because there are serious omission in the basic data of TEDs 6.0 Data System and Source Classify Code of FIRE Data System is not so completed that major species can’t be built up completely and total emission amount are underestimated. According to the assessed emissions for TEDs 6.0 database, the VOC emissions from the stationary sources and area sources are 40 and 68 thousands ton/yr. Emission amount is highest in Taichung County between central 4 counties, reaching 40% and 37 %. In addition, main stationary pollutants are Mineral spirits, Isomers of xylene and Toluene and main area pollutants are Toluene, Ethyl alcohol, Isomers of pentane and Styrene. Besides, ozone formation of VOCs was initially calculated on the respective MIR values for each VOC. Then the annual O3 formation for the major processes were 23 (stationary sources) and 58 (area sources) ton/yr determined in this research. Overall, the average O3 yield of the stationary sources and area sources exhibited 0.4g-O3/g-VOC and 0.95g-O3/g-VOC. The characteristic manufacturing processes for the higher O3 formation of stationary sources are metal manufacturing, plastic goods manufacturing and manufacturing of goods made from paper and its major VOCs species are Toluene, Mehtyl ethyl ketone and Styrene. In addition, the characteristic manufacturing processes for the higher O3 formation of area sources are surface coating for industrial products and its major species are Toluene and O-Xylen. Furthermore, comparing with local and oversea emission factors, the differences between FIRE Data System and data system from locally survey comes from diversity of production materials, difference of control efficiency affecting the resultant emission factors and diverseness of throughput and product amounts.


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