  • 學位論文

一種以ARM CPU與FPGA晶片為主要架構之嵌入式系統 軟硬體發展驗證平台之設計與實現

Embedded System with ARM CPU & FPGA Chips as Main Frame Designing & Realizing Verification Platform of Soft- & Hardware Development

指導教授 : 曾清標


嵌入式系統(Embedded System),在這幾年來無論是學術界的資工、電子、電機…等相關學系或者產業界開發產品,都無不朝此目標邁進。對於後PC時代的來臨,電子資訊科技的進步,行動運算,造就了對嵌入式系統的競相學習與相關產品的開發。 一般學習者所面對的問題大多是嵌入式系統很難入門,不知從何著手。殊不知,嵌入式系統牽涉之廣,非數人可行也。從硬體系統設計相關知識背景、作業系統原理、作業系統的實際運作程式撰寫、驅動程式撰寫、網路通訊協定TCP/IP、演算法…等,都是關卡。如果沒先有系統整體架構的觀念而投入,常常會有很大的挫折感。 本論文嘗試以一個系統架構模型的觀點,從硬體主控元件ARM與FPGA的選用至基本能運作硬體系統的建立、驅動程式的撰寫到一個即時作業系統的移植與應用程式的運作,到最後整個系統軟硬體的測試,記載了整個相關知識與開發流程。整個架構的建立不是最複雜的,但是最基本的。期望能對於此領域的研究學習者提供一個參考方向。


In recent years, not only the academic departments of computer science and electronic & electrical engineering but also the industry has been approaching the Embedded System. As the Post-PC Era is coming, the advance in the electronic information technology brings the trend of learning the Embedded System and developing related products. For general beginners, it is very challenging to start with the Embedded System. What the system involves is wide enough to cover the background knowledge of designing hardware systems, the principles of operation systems, the programming to run operation systems, the programming of device drivers, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), and algorithms. Without the idea about the total system frame, beginners often find the Embedded System quite frustrating. In terms of the system frame model, this study records the whole knowledge and development procedure from the choice of the hardware director elements ARM & FPGA to the establishment of the basic hardware system, from the programming of device drivers to the porting of the real time system and the operation of applications, until the hardware & software test for the whole system. Hopefully, researchers in this field shall find the direction for further studies.


Embedded System Post-PC Era


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