  • 學位論文

台灣南部地區高中職學生金錢觀念、購買動機與消費行 為之研究

Students’ Money Conception, Purchase Motivation and Consuming Behavior: A Study of Senior High and Vocational High Students in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 譚伯群
共同指導教授 : 呂德財(Te-Tsai Lu)




In recent years, consumption has become the most studied topic within the field of human behavior. Thus, what is the meaning of money and how people view money have caught researcher's attention. According to all the related literature, we found that people's viewpoints of money developed in childhood have significant impacts on their consumption behaviors. Although there is much literature discussing the above mentioned issues in different cultures, there is very little research discussing these in Taiwan. Therefore, this study is aimed to investigate the relationships among Taiwanese viewpoint about money, Taiwanese consumption behavior, and purchase motivation of Taiwanese senior high (vocational) school students. As a senior high school teacher, it is important to help students cultivate correct viewpoints about money and consumption during their school years. Constructive suggestions are proposed to family education, school education, social education, and future research.


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