  • 學位論文


The Study of Multi-Level Marketing organizational trust, leadership style, attitude and commitment- Using Multi-Level Marketing agents in Taiwan as example.

指導教授 : 蔡明田
共同指導教授 : 蔡惠婷(Huei-Ting Tsai)


根據臺灣地區公平交易委員會調查,臺灣地區於民國100年為止參與多層次傳銷的人員佔全臺灣2300萬人口的10.14%,而民國100年的該行業產值已達645億元,顯示到目前為止,該行業仍持續蓬勃發展。 針對多層次傳銷的組織型態,本研究探討組織信任、領導風格、組織態度與組織承諾等關聯性研究。並運用便利抽樣(convenience sampling)方法,以臺灣地區從事多層次傳銷業之從業人員作為抽樣對象。共計發放350份問卷,回收300份,回收率為85.7%。扣除無效問卷21份,有效回收率為79.7%。 本研究並以線性結構模式進行實證分析,並驗證本研究所提出之各項假設,歸納結論如下: 1.組織信任對組織態度無顯著影響。 2.領導風格對組織信任有顯著正向影響。 3.領導風格對組織態度有顯著正向影響。 4.組織態度對組織承諾有顯著正向影響。 最後,本研究針對量化實證分析的結果,提出了一些對多層次傳銷從業人員進行組織策略時可探討的結論與建議,並延伸對於未來類似領域之研究,具有相當程度的參考價值。


According to the Fair Trade Commission survey, the personnel participate in the Multi-Level Marketing accounted for 10.14 percent of Taiwan’s population of 23 million until 2011. This industry output value has reached 64.5 billion , the data show that this industry continues vigorous development. For MLM type of organization, this study investigated relevance between the organization trust, Leadership type, Attitude and Commitment. Using of convenience sampling and object of study is engaging in MLM industry employees. 350 questionnaires provided and 279 effective ones are obtained. Effective recovery rate was 79.7% This study data analyzed using structural equation modeling, according to statistical analysis, several conclusions are summarized: 1.Organization Trust on Organization Attitude is not significant between. 2.Leadership type has a positive on Organization Attitude of significant impact. 3.Leadership type has a positive on Organization Commitment of significant impact. 4.Finally, Organization Attitude has a positive on Organization Commitment of significant impact. The analysis for the quantitative result show a number of strategies to work in MLM employees are discussed with conclusions and recommendations. The conclusion of this study has a considerable degree of reference that is helpful for similar research fields in the future.


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