  • 學位論文


The Causes of Waiting Lines and Marketing Strategy in the Service Industry

指導教授 : 梁直青


在服務業中,若顧客進入服務的速度快,而業者提供服務的效率慢,就會產生排隊的現象。然而,此種等待現象是一種常見的情況,也耗費了顧客許多有形、無形的成本。部分顧客可能會因為漫長的等待而感到不悅。然而,若服務業者可以了解顧客等待的消費行為成因,進而內化為服務業作業管理之一環,這將是一個潛在的行銷機會。換言之,若服務業者可以理解顧客希望加入等待線的原因,應有利於服務業者採取等候線管理的行銷策略。 本研究針對看到排隊隊伍且願意加入排隊者作為樣本,來發放問卷。利用回收的問卷,進行信效度、因素分析、集群分析與區別分析,以建立起可供推廣行銷策略之消費者集群。此外,欲針對消費者集群特性發展行銷策略,亦需要了解構面之間的因果關係,以利於推導合理的行銷推論,因此,本研究運用結構方程式來進行因果關係推論。最後,本研究利用主成份分析之權重找出臺灣地區排隊消費者的行為意圖構面之相對重要性。 為找出符合本研究調查之代表性樣本,本研究以臺灣地區人口比例之分層隨機抽樣方法及電話簿進行電話訪談以作為抽取問卷之樣本,總計回收有效問卷共418份。本研究根據過往文獻整理,針對臺灣地區排隊消費者以時間知覺、心理成因與服務品質等三構面作為市場區隔。結果顯示,我們可將排隊消費者依照時間知覺區分為:「忽略時間知覺型」與「重視時間知覺型」兩群;依照排隊心理成因則可區分為「外在心理成因型」與「內在心理成因型」兩群;而若依照服務品質來區分,則可分為「忽略服務品質型」與「重視服務品質型」兩群。 接著,經主成份權重分析,瞭解到臺灣地區排隊消費者的行為意圖中,首先重視其「心理成因」,其次為「企業所提供的服務品質」,最後則為「時間知覺」。接著,本研究利用因素分析所萃取出來的「時間知覺」、「心理成因」及「服務品質」等三構面,進行結構方程式假說驗證。而因果關係檢定結果則發現,時間知覺與心理成因彼此之間具有顯著且正向的影響關係;又心理成因與服務品質彼此之間也具有顯著且正向的影響關係;另外,在時間知覺與服務品質彼此之間具有顯著且負向的影響關係。最後,本研究並以行銷4P(Product, Promotion, Place, and Price)推導行銷策略。


Whenever the service rate is smaller than the customer arrival rate, customers wait to be served. Although waiting is common, it has considerable costs for the service industry. Customers may become angry while waiting, and the marketing opportunity may be lost. However, if a service company can understand the factors driving customers to join a line, the company might adopt marketing strategies for forming potential waiting consumers. That is, the factors causing a customer to wait for service are important to discuss. In this study, a questionnaire for surveying customer’s waiting experience was developed. Using factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, and cluster analysis, we can group consumers based on the causes of waiting behaviors. Finally, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), we can carry on differentiate of Taiwan area lining up consumer characteristic and to develop the marketing strategy. This research carries on the telephone interview through random sampling method population proportion in Taiwan. We collected 418 effective questionnaires. The questionnaire conducts with three constructions based on literature reviews: “perception of time,” “psychology,” and “service quality.” The results show that: from the perception of time, we have two customer’s groups: “neglects of time perception,” and “takes of time perception;” from the psychology, we have two groups: “external of psychological,” and “intrinsic of psychological;” from the service quality, we have two groups: “neglects of service quality,” and “seriously of service quality.” Additionally, from the main ingredient weight analysis, we understood the factors of customer’s intentions orderly based on the importance to the decision of joining a waiting line: “psychology,” “service quality which the enterprise provides,” and “perception of time.” Finally, from the causal relation examination, we found “perception of time,” “psychology,” and “service quality” have forward influence relations obviously with each other. The perception of time and service quality has negative influence relations. Finally, this research conducts strategy base on 4Ps (products, price, place and promotion) through above results.


[4] 王麗芬(2007)。走動式服務對等待品質影響之研究-以醫院等待


周宜徵(2014)。消費者加入排隊意願成因之研究 ─以美食排隊現象為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2406201417414000
