  • 學位論文

消費者加入排隊意願成因之研究 ─以美食排隊現象為例

The Causes of Affecting the Willingness of Consumers to Queue─Waiting for Gourmet

指導教授 : 梁直青


本研究旨在探討影響消費者加入排隊之因素,以服務品質、等待時間知覺、填補無聊、社會影響力及廠商手段等對排隊意願可能之因素,進行深入探究。隨著服務業興盛,服務業的排隊現象也隨之普及且隨處可見。但對大多數的服務業而言,不讓消費者等待是不可能的。而過往研究發現,人們普遍討厭排隊與時間的長久等待,且等待會使消費者產生負面情緒及影響顧客滿意度。即便如此,消費者為何還要加入排隊,且有更多的消費者趨之若鶩呢?因此,本研究以消費者角度去洞悉消費者的心理,設身處地去考量消費者在面對排隊時的觀點,藉此找出讓顧客願意加入等候的因素。本研究在資料收集上,為了改善傳統統計無法精確分析消費者的真實意圖,故採用模糊語意問卷作為調查方法執行問卷發放。總回收461份,有效問卷計有439份,有效回收率為95.22%。資料分析係採用信、效度分析、驗證性因素分析與集群分析,藉以說明本研究在不同排隊意願上與各因素構面之間的關係。 研究結果顯示,集群分析將研究樣本區隔成「服務互動群」與「外部影響群」,檢定結果顯示,不同排隊意願集群於「服務重視」、「商品重視」、「等待時間知覺」、「填補無聊」、「社會影響力」、「外貌吸引」及「價格誘惑」上均有顯著差異。再藉由驗證性因素分析檢定修正後結構模式,其適切性與實際樣本資料達到良好的契合度。本研究認為想要成功讓消費者買單,對服務業廠商而言,若能了解顧客需求與客製服務並掌握各市場區隔之傾向意願,且重視客群意見,將有助於消費者的參與意願及招來更多的未加入排隊之消費者與潛在客群。最後,將運用行銷推拉理論中「推」(Push)與「拉」(Pull)之概念雛形,來發展本研究可能之行銷策略。


服務業 排隊 模糊語意 集群分析


Waiting for service is a common experience in services industry. Preventing consumers from waiting seems impossible, and the factors that a consumer is willing to queue for purchase are still unknown. If the factors of people willingness to queue could be found, a service company might attract people to queue for the purchase. This study adopted fuzzy method to explore consumer’s exact feelings on queue. Furthermore, a factor analysis has adopted to identify factors affecting people willingness to queue. This study will use Reliability and Validity Analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cluster Analysis. The results showed that the questionnaire is with good reliability and internal consistency. A total of 480 respondents have had participated this study, but number of questionnaires returned in 461 and deducted 22 invalid responses. This survey resulted in 439 usable responses (a usable response rate of 95.22%). The research result showed that the question items are devised suitable for factor analysis and with good reliability and validity. By using factor analysis, this study found that divides the willingness of consumers to queue into two clusters and named as followed: “interaction-service” type and “external influence” type. The outcome of the study, different willingness of consumers to queue had significant on the service quality, decreasing boredom while waiting, time perception, social influence, and marketing methods. Based on abovementioned findings, this study further discusses the factors affecting consumer’s willingness to queue and try to provide idea of marketing and promotional strategies for firm in the service industry. Finally, because this study adopted fuzzy semantic questionnaire as the measuring tool, it might reduce the responding rate of the survey.


Services industry Waiting Fuzzy Cluster analysis


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