  • 學位論文


Study of Magnetic Properties on Magnetic Nanostructures Array with Different Pore Distances

指導教授 : 吳添全


本研究使用多孔氧化鋁模板並且應用在磁性薄膜上的奈米結構生長,使得其幾何形狀更佳容易控制,有助於多孔氧化鋁模板之利用。本論文所製備之AAO模板是使用一種名為二次陽極處理的製程,使用0.3 wt%的硫酸溶液作為電解液,陽極處理電壓為14-26V,工作溫度為20 ℃。奈米孔洞的磁性薄膜鎳鐵反點陣列與磁性薄膜鎳鐵的製備是利用濺鍍機濺鍍Ni80Fe20至AAO模板上。。在實驗樣品上的磁性薄膜孔間距變化從5-42 nm,孔徑約為25-40nm。在實驗後使用oommf模擬系統,主要是觀察在不同間距下之磁性行為,模擬各種參數後再與實際實驗之對照。為了比較磁滯曲線的變化並製備了在Si基板上的製備Ni80Fe20薄膜。經過量測顯示,在反點陣列薄膜的矯頑力明顯大於連續的薄膜,並得知矯頑力變化參數為薄膜完整性與孔洞間距的改變。推測為缺陷的間距會阻礙了磁矩的運動,並提高了矯頑力,並且與oommf模擬系統所模擬出來之數據雷同。


In this study, porous alumina template and nanostructures were used as the defects of the magnetic thin film. By changing the anodizing voltage, the electrolyte processing time, reaming time process, it is possible to control its geometry by tuning the anodization processes. Samples were obtained by a two-step anodization process ,sing 0.3 wt% sulfuric acid solution as electrolyte, an anodization voltage of 14-26 V, and a temperature of 20℃. Next, films with antidot array have been prepared by the sputtering of Ni80Fe20 onto anodic alumina membrane templates. In experiments using oommf simulation software in a different pore distance observed in the magnetic behavior. The pores distance varies from 5 to 42 nm and the pores diameters varies from 25 to 40 nm. A counterpart continuous thin film grown on a Si substrate was also prepared. The coercivities of the antidot arrays are greater than those of unpatterned films and show only a weak dependence on pores distance. It is presumed that the parameters of the spacing and type of defects hinder the movement of the magnetic moment, thus increasing the coercivity .


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