  • 學位論文


A Study on Design Production Quality with QFD and AHP Applied to Surface mount OEM Makers

指導教授 : 張洝源


隨著世界潮流的日益變遷,製造產業不斷朝向高優質化發展,台灣電子產品也不斷朝向輕薄短小的需求前進,也直接考驗表面黏著技術模組廠之生產技術能力。自1997年京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)生效後,環境保護問題逐漸受全世界電子業的重視,歐盟在2006年7月1日頒佈限制電子電機設備中危害物質禁用指令(Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substance in EEE;簡稱RoHS)及廢電機電子設備指令(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment,簡稱WEEE)兩項新法令,對台灣各產業帶來嚴重衝擊,尤其是相關電子產業首當其衝。因此,台灣電子產業不僅要面對以品質為主的產品規格,亦須接受新增加環保規格的要求。 近來,世界各國亦依RoHS法令為綠色生產之限用標準,對產業影響甚鉅。綠色潮流儼然成為國際趨勢,本研究將以專業生產表面黏著之模組代工廠-F公司為例;探討該案例公司不同客戶對有害物質之管制與限制要求之不同聲音,將利用(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)方法,先採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)萃取出影響綠色生產顧客聲音(Voice Of Customer, VOC)之構面因素及篩選出工程需求(Voice Of Engineering, VOE)之因子。並假定綠色表面黏著代工廠的生產應同時追求「品質目標」與「環境目標」與「生產交期目標」之最大化,以朝向如何滿足顧客綠色生產限制要求及符合國際法規要求的方向思考。考量因素納入品質機能展開過程的顧客需求,並結合製程設計人員與現場工程人員共同腦力激盪選出的工程生產技術策略項目,同步進行邏輯矩陣轉換。 針對綠色表面黏著技術模組代工廠應重視之顧客需求,本研究之專家評選結果認為前三項客戶首要重視分別為「RMA處理與分析能力(Return Material Authorization,RMA)」、「工程樣品彈性生產」和「有害物質管理能力」等。將顧客需求以實證分析,經由品質機能展開的關係矩陣計算後,得知表面黏著代工廠對於顧客的需求前三項為「加強員工訓練」、「異常處理系統化」和「設立RMA異常工程單位」,這些結果可提供國內綠色表面黏著技術模組代工廠商營運策略之參考。


品質機能展開 AHP RoHS WEEE


With the increasingly changeable global trends, production industries have step toward the development of high quality incessantly. The electronic products made in Taiwan also satisfy the demands of thin, small and slim product design. Such trends also force surface mount module makers to face the challenges onto their own production techniques. Since Kyoto Protocol has been effective in 1997, the issues about environment protection have received increasing emphasis from the electronic industries globally. In July 1st, 2006, EU published two new enactments, namely Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substance in EEE (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). These two enactments bring serious impact to Taiwan, especially relevant electronic industries. Therefore, local electronic industries do not only face the challenges to product specifications mainly focusing on quality control, but also deal with additional requirements on environmental specifications. Recently, the global communities also obey the green production rules regulated by RoHS with considerable influence on production industries. The environmental green tides have become global feverish trends. In this research, an F Company specializing in surface mount OEM is taken for example. It aims to explore different voices from customers of the company under case study about their control and limitations on hazardous substances. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is operated and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to extract the dimensional factors in Voices of Customer (VOC) with the influence on green production. Also, the factors of Voice of Engineering (VOE) are screened. Additionally, it is hypothesized the production of green surface mount OEM makers should pursue the maximizing effect in goals of “quality target”, “environment target” and “delivery target” simultaneously, stepping forward the directional thinking about the way how to satisfy customer demands on green production limitations and good conformance to global legal requirements. The factors under considerations are taken into customer demands during the process of Quality Function Deployment (QFD). It is also integrated with the brainstorm effort made by production process designers and on-site operators to regulate the strategic items for production techniques. Logical matrix transformation is synchronized also. Focusing on the necessary emphasis on customer demands for green surface mount OEM makers, in this research, as expert appraisal results indicate, the top 3emphasis items are separately Return Material Authorization (RMA), Flexible Production of Engineering Samples and Control Capabilities over Hazardous Substances. Customer demands are experimentally analyzed. After the computation of QFD correlation matrix, it is known that the top 3 customer demands to surface mount OEM makers are separately “enhancing employee training”, “systemizing of exception handling” and “establishing RMA exception engineering units”. These results can give the reference available for business management strategies for logical green surface mount OEM makers.




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