  • 學位論文


The Study of Business Strategy in Taiwan’s Contracted Inspection Company: A Case Study of C Motors Company in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 黃信豪


由於每年汽車定期檢驗的總驗車次數高達七百餘萬輛次,在監理機關場地與人力不足以應付之時,故採取委外措施開放甲、乙種汽車修理廠或加油站申請設立代為執行車輛檢驗工作。目前全國已有代檢線共約五百多條,再加上各地的公路監理機關的檢驗線已高達六百多條,造成供過於求。因此,本文以探討汽車代檢制度為主軸,並嘗試進行經營上如何在這樣競爭激烈的市場中,達到永續經營的目的,並期盼對代檢業者在管理與利潤上有所助益。 本研究參考Porter五力分析等相關理論為基礎,並探討相關文獻的內容,經整理後成為本研究之主要架構。之後進行產業分析與個案分析而得SWOT分析,歸納出個案公司目前於整體環境中所面臨之機會與威脅,以及公司所擁有之競爭優、劣勢,進而發展可行策略與擬定經營策略。   本研究綜合結論:未來汽車代檢業應朝保養與檢驗合一的制度來努力,以修理為主或與汽車環保、科技相關產業結合,來創造更多商機;並應加強服務品質與提昇績效,才是汽車代檢業的致勝新武器,也是企業、員工、社會三贏的最佳成功關鍵因素。


Due to the Moter Vehicle offices lacking sufficient space and manpower, the regular vehicle inspection function has been outsourced to A, B type vehicle repair shops or gas stations to carry out the inspections. In addition to more than 600 inspection lines already existing in the Moter Vehicle offices, there are more than 500 inspection lines in the contracted inspection companies. Hence, the competition among these contracted inspection companies has become more and more intensive. The purpose of this study is two folds: first, is to use Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis approach to investiage the current internal and external business environment for a contracted inspection company in Yunlin County; and second, is to develop buiness strategies for that company based on the analysis outcomes. The conclusions of?this study are: 1. The contracted inspection industry should work toward the goal of combining vehicle maintenance with inspection. 2. Focusing on repairs or integrating with automobile environmental and technological industries in order to generate more business opportunities. 3. Improving customer service and performance will be the new weapon of success, and is the critical factor to achieve a triple win situation for the business, its employees, and the society.


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