  • 學位論文


Exploring the Integrative Strategies of Art Intervention in Community—A Case Study of Lenei Community

指導教授 : 廖敦如


文建會於民國83年提出「社區總體營造政策」,回應了臺灣80年代的社會挑戰,將社會運動帶往回到土地、回到社區、回到生活的主張;小型社會「社區」的建構,推廣生活中體驗文化的存在感,演進到提升每個人心目中文化美的形式,在文化不斷演進,一再訴求文化之重要性的同時,為地方社區發現問題、解決問題。本研究透過教育部未來想像與創意人才培育中程計畫大學小革命-藝術蒲公英,N次方!的策畫與執行,看見雲林在地社區被改變的需要,發現普遍教育程度較低,老年人口比例高、人口外流嚴重、識字率較低,沒有人能夠幫助他們進行一連串的文化藝術改革,希望藉由藝術作為媒介,以社區居民的角度與觀點,培養社區居民成為文化公民,並協助找尋地方特色與發展特質。 本研究以雲林縣虎尾鎮埒內社區為研究場域,提出研究目的為:(一)從文獻探討分析藝術介入社區的運作策略、(二)經由實際行動歸納藝術介入社區的具體方案。並研擬研究問題為:(一)從文獻探討中,分析藝術介入社區的整合運作策略有哪些?、(二)經實際行動中,歸納藝術介入社區時,有哪些具體方案?。據此,從2013年2月進入研究場域,為期一年的時間,主要以個案研究法進行探討,透過專家訪談、社區居民問卷調查、研究者觀察日誌、參與人員觀察日誌、個別訪談及其他等資料來源進行資料分析。 歸納本研究結論為:(一)透過實際案例進行研究探討,參考三者案例中藝術介入的元素及概念,並加以考量以創新的方式進行施作、(二)從文獻探討中,歸納藝術介入社區實施之策略有:1.文化深耕策略、2.生態發聲策略、3.藝術教育策略、(三) 經實際行動中,研擬規劃其藝術介入社區之具體作法有,方案一:藝術文化體驗-舉辦綠色生態、藝術工作坊、開設創新課程;方案二:用文字走進社區創造幸福-藝文小記者;方案三:用畫作走進社區創造美景-藝文小畫家;方案四:用鏡頭走進社區創造感動-藝文攝影師;方案五:用影像走進社區創造故事-微電影;方案六:用藝術為社區打造旅行體驗等六項策略方案。本研究亦針對政府未來施政提出建議、對社會團體提出建議以及對社區發展活動辦理提出建議。


In 1994, the Council for Cultural Affairs proposed its “Community Development Policy” in response to the social challenges that Taiwan faced during the 1990s, advocating a return to social movements based on land, community and people’s lives. Through the construction of small “community” societies, the goal was to promote the idea of “experiencing culture through life” and thereby elevate the existence of art to the state of “cultural aesthetics” as perceived by individuals. With the constant evolution of culture and emphasis on the importance of culture, the initiative sought to identify and solve problems for local communities. Through the planning and implementation of “Art Dandelion to the power of N – My Little Wild Campus Project” as part of the MOE’s “Creativity and Imagining the Future in Education” campaign, the study identified the needs of local communities in Yunlin, including relatively low levels of education, high ratio of old age populations, severe population outflow, low literacy rate etc. No one had previously taken up the mission of implementing a series of cultural and art reforms and it was considered a worthy endeavor to utilize art as a medium (and through the perspective of the community residents) to help nurture local community residents into citizens of culture whilst identifying local features and characteristics that ought to be further developed. In this study, Lenei Community in Huwei Township, Yunlin County was chosen as the research site with the following objectives: (i) to examine and analyze operational strategies for art intervention in communities through literary reviews and (ii) to sum up concrete solutions for art intervention in communities through practical action. The study also attempted to address the following questions: (i) Identifying integrated operational strategies for art intervention in communities based on literary reviews, (ii) Summarizing concrete solutions for art intervention in communities through practical action. In order to address these topics, the author visited the research site in February 2013 to conduct an extensive study that spanned a year. Research primarily focused on case studies for the exploration of the aforementioned topics and data analysis was made possible with the use of various sources, including expert interviews, surveys of community residents, researcher’s observation logs, participants’ observation logs, individual interviews etc. The conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: (i) through three actual case studies, the research reviewed the elements and concepts of art intervention and explored innovative methods for implementation; (ii) based on literary reviews, art intervention strategies in communities include: 1. cultural entrenchment; 2. ecological advocacy and 3. art education; (iii) through practical action, the study formulated the following solutions for art intervention in communities: solution 1: art and cultural experience – the organization of green ecology, art workshops and creative courses etc; solution 2: create happiness in communities through words – art and culture journalism; solution 3: create aesthetic scenes in communities through images – painters of art and culture; solution 4: create sensations in communities through photography – photographers of art and culture; solution 5: create stories in communities through images – microfilms and solution 6: create travel experiences for communities through art. In addition, the study also offers future policy proposals for the government and recommendations for communities and the development of community activities.


Jorgensen,Stedman (2001).Sense Of Place As An Attitude: Lakeshore Owners Attitudes Toward Their Properties, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21,233-248。
