  • 學位論文


Research and Development of the Electric Hand Rehabilitation

指導教授 : 謝龍昌


近年來民眾講求健康,行政院於1991年12月將『醫療保健工業』列為十大新興工業之一,並鼓勵發展多功能、高附加價值之醫療器材及輔具,以提昇國內醫療輔具的技術。電動輔助式手部復健機是幫助無法自主生活能力者,利用外部力量的輔助進行復健訓練,以達到恢復肌耐力讓生活更加方便的復健器材。 本研究主要目的為創新設計出新型的電動輔助式手部復健機,借此協助復健師為病患進行復健,可以使肌肉氈黏、無法自主作動之病患更方便的恢復肌耐力。首先針對目前上下肢復健機相關專利進行分析與探討,歸類出各專利之優缺點,設計時迴避專利的侵權,同時尋求中醫師專業知識的提供的提供,做為訂定設計需求與限制條件的依據。接著利用創新設計方法來尋找合適之機構,並利用運動分析方法來探討與設計滿足需求之機構。最後進行電路設計來控制馬達,以達到電動式輔具之需求,並加入安全裝置,讓整體機構更為穩定及方便。 關鍵字:復健輔具、手腕、手肘、控制系統


復健輔具 手腕 手肘 控制系統


Recently, people get more attentions on health issues. In 1991, the government of Taiwan listed “Health & Care Industry” as one of the top 10 new rising industries. Encourage industries to develop multiple functions and high value-added medical equipments and raise the technical level in the country. Electric assistive hand rehabilitation device that help people to recover the function of muscles and live more convenient. This research mainly focus on the new design of electric assistive hand rehabilitation to help patients live more easily. Firstly, analysze the iteratuers and patents of rehabilitation devices and make conclusions. When desige the rehabilitation devies, we must avoide the patent rights. Then, ask the chinesemedical doctor, we conclude some design requirements and design contraints of rehabilitation devices. And, according to the design methobology of creative mechanism design, we synthesize the new design concepts. Then, based on the kinematic design method, the rehabilitation device satisfied the kinematic reguirement is synthesized. Finally, the automatic control system is added into the rehabilitation device to achieve the rehabilitation functions without manu-operation and let the rehabilitation device become more safe. Keyword:Rehabilitation Device, Wrist, Elbow, control system


Rehabilitation Device Wrist Elbow control system


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