  • 學位論文

失效模式與效應分析(FMEA)之應用 – 以個案公司自行車飛輪生產製程為例

The Application of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - A study of the Flywheel Production Process of the Case Company

指導教授 : 胡伯潛


近年來,不論是已開發國家或發展中國家,因為經濟持續發展、生活水準提升及環保意識提高的影響,使得民眾更願意增加在休閒娛樂活動方面的支出及參與。自行車兼具通勤及休閒的功能,又能達到節能減碳的目的,因此日益受到民眾的重視,也使自行車的市場持續成長。 雖然近年來受到中國大陸低價競爭的影響,台灣讓出了自行車出貨量的寶座,卻也激勵台灣往高價位自行車市場進軍,往功能性更強、更輕量化及精密度更高的產品發展,藉此提升產品的附加價值以及獲利空間。正因為產品的定位走高價路線,因此,如何確保產品的高品質及可靠度是個案公司一個非常重要的課題。 失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, FMEA)是一種可以透過設計或生產過程的探討,於事前找出可能發生的問題(失效模式),並將這些問題依其重要性排序,使管理者可以依序找出解決方案的有效工具。本研究因此以失效模式與效應分析為研究工具,探討個案公司在自行車飛輪(Flywheel)生產流程的33項失效模式及其重要程度。經調查結果分析,個案公司飛輪生產失效風險前五項排序為:飛輪齒型角度不正確、齒型厚度尺寸不正確、材料硬度不均勻、齒型倒角尺寸不正確及鍛造後材料表面裂痕;個案公司需針對上述失效問題依序提出有效的預防或解決方式,以減少不良品的產出,造成公司的損失。


In recent years, due to the continuing economic growth, improving living standards, and growing environmental awareness, the general public is more willing to increase their spending in leisure activities. Bicycle has the functions of both commuting and leisure, most importantly, it is also environmental friendly which makes it very appealing. and attracts more buyers. Rrecently, Taiwan’s bicycle market has been affected by the cheap product from mainland China which motivates Taiwan’s bicycle producers to develop high-priced bicycles with more functions, lighter weight, and higher precision. Since these products have been positioned at the high-end market, therefore, how to ensure product quality and reliability is an very important issue for the bicycle industry and the case company. Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is an approach to identify problems (failure modes) that might occur in the design or production process and these problems will be prioritized according to their importance so the management can establish resolutions accordingly. Hence, in this study, failure mode and effects analysis is used as the research tool to investigate these 33 failure modes in the production process of the bicycle flywheel of the case company and. After the investigation, the top five important failure modes are: incorrect flywheel tooth angle, incorrect tooth thickness, uneven material hardness, incorrect tooth chamfer dimension, material surface cracks after forged. Case company needs to resolve these failure modes to improve the quality of its products and reduce the possible losses if these failure modes occur.


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