  • 學位論文


Program Management Platform for the Development of University Education - the Application of Business Intelligence Analysis Techniques

指導教授 : 胡念祖


在面對社會與經濟環境的迅速轉變,人力資源投入就業市場時所面臨的競爭性增大,為培育學生多元化專長,各科技大學競相開設專業學程已是一種趨勢。如何幫助學生在面臨專業學程選擇時,既能兼顧本系課程,又能便捷修習跨領域學程,是一個很值得探討的議題。商業智慧技術已被廣泛的運用於各個領域,從看似不相關的資料中,分析出有用的資訊,供使用者參考及做決策,是商業智慧的主要目的。 本研究即根據學生的選課資料,結合各系專業學程資訊,利用商業智慧分析探尋出彼此間的關聯性並給予修課學生適當推薦,隨後建置一套雛型系統以驗證其可行性。本研究依據系統架構所開發之雛型系統,主要功能如下:(1)提供線上課程推薦:結合學生修課歷史紀錄及報表分析結果,推薦新學期可修習之學程課程,並提供專業學程修習建議; (2)提供學程修習紀錄及資訊; (3)結合就業職類應取得專業證照,次為提供畢業後進入職場所須具備能力之建議。


With rapid changing of social and economic environment, the students will face the competitive pressure when applying for the jobs. Besides, many universities of technology try to provide professional undergraduate degree programs. Therefore, it is an important issue to help them study well both on their major and the interdisciplinary program. In addition, business intelligence has been broadly applied to various fields. It tries to obtain the valuable information to be referred by managers when making decisions. This study devotes to integration of the contents of each undergraduate degree program provided by several departments. Then, we try to generate the learning advices to students by discovered relationships between all courses. Moreover, a prototyping system is developed with the following characteristics: (1) provide course roadmap based on their learning historical records, (2) summary overall records of each programs for departments, colleges and school, (3) generate advices to students by relationships between programs, jobs and certificates.


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