  • 學位論文


The Research and Development of Multi-Function English Teaching Robot

指導教授 : 王榮爵


本論文的主要目的是研發與製作一具英語教學機器人。本多功能英語教學機器人採用了生動又活潑的教學方法、實用又有趣的學習教材,以創造愉快歡欣的學習環境。本機器人的硬體設計可分為上下兩部分。上半部為仿真人製作,具有頭、臉部、身軀與雙手。機器人的雙手與頸部能呈現人類的靈活動作,以方便執行各種教學任務。臉部則能呈現不同的表情,以表達機器人的情緒。機器人胸前裝置平板電腦、攝影機及Kinect感測器,以強化使用者與機器人之互動;下半部則以輪型機器人設計,並裝載著鋰鐵磷電池(LiFePO4)系統,讓機器人免除電源線,能像個真正的老師隨意行走;機器人教材方面,根據英語讀本與徵詢英語教師意見,再結合機器人的優點特性,設計多個教學課程,每個課程均搭配文字、影音、FLASH動畫與機器人動作表情,以活化教學內容。讓學習者能在愉悅自然的環境中學習,有不同的學習體驗。 本教學機器人已實際到國小進行英語教學,透過機器人的活潑教學,學生能愉快的學習英文。無論是學生或老師,皆給與予本機器人高度的肯定與評價,許多老師也希望能於英語教學時,使用本機器人輔助教學。對於社區大學年長者的學習者,本機器人也設計英語學習的教學資料庫(包含教材、影音與機器人表演),能讓老年人在輕鬆愉快的環境下學習英文,增進學習成效。


In this study, the English Teaching Robot is design and achieve. The Multi-Functional English Teaching Robot teaches English by adopting vivid and enjoyable teaching approaches, practical and interesting learning materials, and happy and enjoyable learning environment. The hardware design of the robot can be divided into two parts. The upper part likes a human including head, body and two arms. Two arms and neck of the robot can imitate all kinds of human actions such that it can perform a variety of teaching activities. The robotic face is able to show the different facial expressions by using LEDs for the emotion of robot. The tablet PC, Webcam and Kinect motion sensor are all set in the body of the robot in order to interact with users. The lower part of the robot likes a wheeled mobile robot and the battery pack set in the lower part as the major power source. Therefore, it can freely move to anywhere without the connection of power cable. The teaching materials are designed according to English learning books and motion of the robot. All courses include texts, multimedia, flash movies, and robot motions for creating a happy learning environment and better teaching effectiveness. The robot has actually taught English at two primary schools. There are good impression whether a student or a teacher. Teachers also hope to use the robot in their English courses. In the Community College, the robot also used to teach English for senior people under a happy learning environment.


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