  • 學位論文


Applying Two-Dimension Quality Model and IPA analysis on the Service Quality of Tire Manufacturer:A Case Study of Cheng-Shin Tire Company

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥


本研究是以輪胎製造業者為對象,探討輪胎製品顧客對於輪胎製品供應者服務品質的看法與評價,主要應用Kano二維模式,輔以重要-表現程度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)法,最後,透過品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)法探討輪胎製品的全面服務品質。藉由PZB服務品質構面為基礎,設計輪胎基本特性及服務的20項題目,進行問卷調查,探索顧客對於輪胎製品現況的看法,透過重要-表現程度分析找出「外觀品質穩定性」應該立即改善的關鍵品質因素,接著將輪胎製品服務項目依 Kano 二維品質特性予以歸類,找出12問項為「無差異品質」、6個為「必須品質」及2個為「魅力品質」,同時計算出客戶對於輪胎製品服務品質的滿意指標及不滿意指標,研究發現共有10題項要素是不可欠缺,否則會立即造成客戶的不滿意。最後,應用品質機能展開法,結果分別為「新產品的創新開發能力」、「緊急應變能力」及「設「能力整合」,應列為優先改善項目,尋求改善之目標,並將企業有限的資源妥善規劃,運用適合產業的改善手法與管理策略,進行有效的品質改善與提升,逐步踏實地達到更高的顧客滿意度。


This study takes the tire manufacturer as the object and explores the customer's view and evaluation of the service quality of the product providers. This study applies mainly the Kano Two-Dimension Model and is supported with Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to explore the overall service quality of tire. Finally, through Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method to explore a comprehensive service quality tire products. This study takes the quality service phase of PZB as the foundation to design 20 items on the questionnaires which includes the basic tire physical properties and the services. To proceed the investigation by questionnaires, this study explores customer's view about the current state of tire and analyses by IPA to find “appearance quality” stability the key quality factor which should be improved immediately, and the categorizes the service items for tire by the feature of Kano Two-Dimension Model to find 12 question items of indifferent quality, 6 question items of must-be quality, 2 question items of Attractive quality, and calculate the customer service quality products for tire satisfaction index and dissatisfaction indicators. The study found a total of 10 questions of elements are indispensable, otherwise it will cause customer dissatisfaction immediately. Finally, applied to the QFD. The results are “innovative new product development capabilities”, “emergency response capabilities” and “the ability to integrate equipment”. To build the priority items for the improvement, look for the target of improvements, make adequate plans for the limited enterprise resources, apply the improvement method and administration strategy for appropriate production businesses to proceed efficient quality improvements and the promotions, gradually achieve higher customer satisfaction step by setep.


Service-Quality Kano Model IPA QFD


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