  • 學位論文


Principle and Applications of Electro-Optic Probing Technique

指導教授 : 郭文凱


本論文中,首先對電光探測技術之原理一介紹。此外,提出此技術兩種重要的應 用,其一為利用電光探測技術對球型格狀陣列 (Ball Grid Array, BGA) 封裝基板作短路 (Short-circuit) 測試,以確定基板上一面之覆晶 (Flip-chip) 接板 (Bonding pad) 是否有連接到 另一面對應之錫球板 (Ball pad),由於電光探測是非接觸式,可改善傳統用接觸式金屬探 針量測會損傷接板的缺點。在量測系統中,使用的電光晶體材料為 LiNbO3 晶體,量測 靈敏度約為 2.3 V/m(Hz)1/2, 量測所得電場強度的分佈曲線與 Ansoft Maxwell 2D 模擬軟 體的模擬結果十分相近。 另外,提出結合伸縮型調變與旋轉型調變來量測待測物表面三維向量電場分佈圖。 量測系統是使用單晶體下完成三維向量電場的量測,不同於傳統的電光探測需要使用兩 個晶體才可量測三維向量電場,我們利用 LiNbO3 晶體本身的特性,在不需要改變量測系 統狀態下完成量測。當使用旋轉型調變原理時,可量測出一橫向電場,若需要量測另一 橫向電場時,只需將待測物旋轉 90° 即可測得。當要量測縱向電場時,需先使用伸縮型 調變原理量測待測物後,將此結果與旋轉型調變原理量測出的結果作簡單的計算即可得 縱向電場分怖。利用此系統實際量測一 L 型溝槽表面三維向量電場分怖,其量測一維電 場之靈敏度約為 3.67 V/m(Hz)1/2,量測結果與 Ansoft Maxwell 3D 模擬軟體的模擬結果比 較亦十分相近。




In this thesis, we are going to introduce basic principle of electro-optic (EO) probe and then demonstrate two very important applications of electro-optic probe. First, testing short circuit in BGA(Ball Grid Array) substrate with electro-optic probing technique, to make sure whether the bonding pads in the upper side of substrate connect to their corresponding ball pads on the other side or not. Due to electro-optic probe is contactless, it can improve disadvantage of traditional metallic tip will damage pads. In this measurement system, the EO probing tip is made of LiNbO3, and the sensitivities of measurement about 2.3V/m/(Hz)1/2. The curves of the electric field by measurement are very close with that of the simulation that using simulation software of Ansoft Maxwell 2D. Then, we are going to bring up combining CSDM (compressed/stretched deformation modulation) with RDM (rotational deformation modulation) to measure the distribution sketch of three-dimensional (3D) electric field vector for DUT. Only single EO probing tip is used to measure 3D electric field vector, this is different from the traditional electro-optic probes that need using two EO probing tips. It is not necessary to change any measurement components to measure the 3D electric filed vector due to the characteristic of LiNbO3 probing tip. One transversal electric filed can be measured by using RDM technique. And another one can also be measured by rotating DUT 90°. When the measurement results of CSDM are going to calculate with measurement results of RDM, we can obtain the longitudinal electric field distribution. By this measurement system the suface 3D electric field distribution of L type pattern has been measured. The sensitivities for one of the 3D electric field is about 3.67V/m/(Hz)1/2, the measurement results are very close with that of the simulation using simulation software of Ansoft Maxwell 3D.




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