  • 學位論文


Portable Air and Sea Dual-use Communication and Navigation Systems

指導教授 : 李榮全


近年來,系統多功能化已成為現代科技之趨勢,傳統空用與海用輕型載具多數配載機械式類比儀表,成本高、效率低,無法有效監控載具之狀況,對於人員生命安全造成一大隱憂,因此,需一套具海空導航介面功能之整合式航電系統改善此缺點,以低成本實現產品多功能之特性。 本論文設計一套具海空雙用多用途之導控系統,系統結合空用飛航記錄器(Flight Recorder)中所具備之駕駛艙錄音器(Cockpit Voice Recorder,CVR)及飛行資料記錄器(Flight Data Recorder,FDR)兩大基礎功能外,同時具備海上船載航程資料記錄器(Voyage Data Recorder,VDR)之能力。並具有數位影像記錄功能,透過ZigBee無線通訊系統將重要航行感測數據即時傳送至整合式數位顯示器,駕駛員可藉由數位螢幕即時觀看所有航行資訊,同時透過UHF/VHF遠距離無線傳輸系統,將飛航資料即時傳送至地面監控站,提供監控人員更完善之監控系統。 超輕航機與船舶使用同一式通訊導航系統,有利於聯合科學探勘計畫,提供空對海、空對地之監控及快速定位與搜救之功能,並能將即時資訊回報至地面監控站,提供監控與管制。本論文提出之系統具備多功能、模組化與無線數位化之低成本設計,不僅改善傳統類比式設備的缺點,更能提高空用與海用載具之航電性能及人員的生命安全。


In recent years, more and more people have eco-awareness to cherish the earth. Therefore, the renewable energy sources are in place of electric system by little and little. The traditional light vehicles with mechanical analog panels are expensive and inefficient. Due to the reason, we designed an integrated avionics system with navigation which can be used in the sea and the air. The purpose is using the renewable energy sources to generate electricity, and reducing the cost. The research developed the ultralight aircraft avionics system, and combined Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder and Voyage Data Recorder. The system through ZigBee sends the sailing data to the integrated digital display system, and then the sailors can monitor the data to know the data immediately. Through UHF/VHF wireless transmission, the systems can send the sailing data to the monitors on the ground. The ultralight aircraft as well as the ship use the communication and navigation system. The communication and navigation system is good at positioning as well as rescue, and provides monitoring between the sea and the air. The multifunctional system improves the drawbacks of the traditional light vehicles and promotes the functions of the vehicles at low cost.


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