  • 學位論文


Applying Flipped Classroom for Improving Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes on the Home Economics Education of Junior High School

指導教授 : 吳純慧


實施九年一貫後,家政教育的內容概括食、衣、住、行、育、樂等,然而在一週僅有一節的家政課,常造成教學進度落後及不足的問題。有鑑於此,為能運用有限的家政課堂時間,以增進學習過程中的學習動機興趣與提升學生之學習成效,本研究發展一套教學策略,給合資訊科技與翻轉教室,幫助學生建構家政知識,培養學生具備生活實踐的能力。研究方法採準實驗設計,實驗對象為雲林縣某國中九年級學生,共四個班級,計有92個學生,進行七週課堂的實驗流程,實驗組使用翻轉教室教學方法,以易課平台為翻轉課程平台,控制組則進行傳統講述式教學,兩組分別進行前、後測,再針對實驗組學生進行翻轉教室接受度意見調查。研究資料以SPSS 20進行敘述性統計與獨立樣本t檢定。研究結果顯示,翻轉教室教學法對學生學習成效有顯著影響;翻轉教室教學方法對學生學習動機無顯著影響;學生對於翻轉教室教學方法接受度高。研究結果所歸納之結論,希望能作為日後教師改進教材教法、改變學生的學習態度、增進學生的自主學習能力。


After the implement of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, Home Economics Education includes dieting, clothing, accommodation, transportation, education, recreation, and so on. However, home economics often leads to backward teaching schedule because of one home economics lesson a week. In the light of this, using time-limited home economics curriculum to promote learning motivation and learning outcomes of the students in studying process. This research develops instructional strategies combined with information technology and flipped classroom to help students build home economics knowledge, and the ability of life practice. Research method adopts the quasi-experimental design, The target high school is located in Yunlin county and from four classes, 92 students who participated in this study are in the ninth. Proceeding to 7-week curriculum experiment, the experimental group implement flipped classroom model through ee-class. The control group use traditional Didactic Teaching. These groups take a pre-test and post-test, and do "flipped classroom satisfaction questionnaire" to experimental group students. The research data carried out descriptive statistics and independent samplet test by SPSS 20. Research results show that flipped classroom has a marked effect upon the students' learning outcomes but no discernible effect upon learning motivations. Flipped classroom is highly accepted by students. This findings provide suggestions in order to improve teachers' teaching materials and methods, and promote students' learning attitudes and outcomes.


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