  • 學位論文


Applying AHP Method to Investigate the Selection Factors for Expatriates

指導教授 : 黃信豪


全球化已經是當前企業無法避免的趨勢。許多企業在考量土地、人工成本、政府政策及市場等因素下,不得不將工廠移往海外。在產業外移的同時,企業大多採用選派本國員工去當地擔任技術及管理工作。因此,適當外派人才的選任便成為一個重要的工作。 本研究在探討如何在個人技術能力之外,藉由人格特質、家庭因素、文化適應及母公司政策四個面向,去遴選合適的外派人員。本研究以台灣企業外派的幹部為研究對象,以層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)來探討外派人員遴選的考量因素。希望藉由此研究結果,來提供企業在遴選外派人員時,能有更多可參考的依據。 本研究結果發現,在成功的外派要素中,就人格特質方面應重視能做整體性思考以及團隊合作。家庭因素方面以配偶支持外派為重要的背景因素。當地文化適應層面應以能用當地語言做溝通,且能解決員工間衝突為首要考量。母公司政策上,以有完整的派駐管理辦法、合理的派駐津貼及返台的探親次數(公司負擔費用)最為大家所重視。


Globalization is an inevitable trend that enterprises face currently. Taiwanese entrepreneurs are forced to move factories oversea in the consideration of land, human resource cost increasing, government policy and etc. Under the trend, headquarter employees are the priority for being selected to handle management jobs in oversea. Thus, it is quite an important issue about how to recruit and select a talented expatriate. The purpose of this study is to investigate the selection factors for expatriates. The factors considered in this study are divided into the following four dimensions: personality trait, family, culture adaption, and headquarter policy. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used as the method to decide which factors are important while selecting headquarter employees to be new expatriates. The results indicate the important influence factors on successful expatriates are as follows: 1. In personality trait dimension, people should have overall thinking and team work. 2. In family dimension, it is important that expatriates’ spouse and family express positive support attitude. 3. In culture adaption dimension, expatriates have the ability to communicate with local workers with local languages and have adapted to local climate and habits. 4. In headquarter policy dimension, headquarter needs to have complete expatriate management policy and consider expatriate’s previous experience and interests.


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