  • 學位論文


The APP Design of Tsung-Hsien Lee’s Temple Painting

指導教授 : 鄭文華


因佛寺彩繪的保存不易,及傳統技藝傳承的價值性,本「李宗賢佛寺彩繪APP設計研究」,為開發一款李宗賢佛寺彩繪知識學習的APP,研究重點於介面的易用性(Usability)研究。軟體的使用者介面會影響使用者有效率地的操控系統,使用者介面設計將會影響到使用者的感覺,並影響使用成果,本研究將透過分析現有的國內外數位博物館APP,以做為開發「李宗賢佛寺彩繪APP」的介面設計參考,在使用者需求調查部分結合文獻探討,因李宗賢藝師的近期主要代表作為諦願寺彩繪,因此藉由探討使用者對諦願寺的看法以及對佛寺彩繪的認知,做為APP設計的主要內容架構,以便進行內容規劃,並建立出APP的介面原型設計;在第二階段實驗問卷使用李克特五點尺度量表的問卷,根據使用性相關議題,將以五項使用性目標作為問卷向度的評估標準:可學習性、效率、可記憶性、錯誤率及滿意度為問卷題目,本研究擬定有五大項目的使用性測試任務,讓受測者藉由完成任務體驗本研究系統的功能,並以開放式問卷法讓測試者寫下測試過程中遇到的問題以及建議,目的是為了解使用者為何會遇到困難也可從使用者的角度去思考介面設計的問題,並且在完成使用性測試的任務後,填寫視覺設計滿意度的題目,並根據分析結果提出建議,作為未來研究的參考,以符合使用性目標之使用者介面,加強使用者對佛寺彩繪APP使用之流暢性。 實驗結果顯示1. 增加可學習性:有動畫及發光提示的按鈕可以吸引使用者注意,在沒有其他動畫干擾的狀況下可以很容易找到目標按鈕,並改進以文字標題輔助,讓使用者對介面主要功能迅速上手。2.增加效率:icon的圖示暗喻可以讓使用者直覺的選擇按鈕,增加使用性上的效率。3.增加可記憶性:APP減少選單分類,讓架構更加清楚,能在使用時立即選擇到目標,並且有利於記憶;以固定的選單,省去使用者尋找選單功能時間,並減少需要記憶的事件。4.減少錯誤率:建立首頁按鈕,當使用者找不到資訊時,可以回到首頁重新開始。在次頁面中建立主選單,可以讓使用者在發現按錯選單之時可以直接按回使用者要找的內容。5.增加APP的遊戲性:增加與使用者的互動性,留住年齡層較低的使用者客群。 最後在視覺介面設計的問卷上,使用者完成了五項使用性任務,整體的分數都偏向為同意,表示受測者對於此介面設計都給予正向的回饋,肯定本研究的介面設計。最後在未來建議上可增加導覽系統,導覽系統可以讓參觀者在佛寺內尋找佛寺彩繪的位置,並可以結合語音導覽、影像導覽、圖像介紹彩繪的由來、繪製方式、以及圖像的意涵,或是各種神佛的故事分享,讓參觀者在諦願寺參拜時有更多服務選擇,也能增加佛寺與參觀者的互動性,提升參觀者對佛寺彩繪的興趣,讓文化繼續推廣下去。


Due to the difficulties in preserving a Buddhist temple’s paintings and in passing on traditional skills, “the Design of Tsung-Hsien Lee’s Temple Painting App” is a study which aims at developing an application which facilitates the learning of Buddhist temple paintings. The focus of the study is the usability of the application interface. The user interface affects the efficiency of user control, and the interface design influences the user experience and thus affects the outcome of the experience. This study analyzes certain existing applications of digital museums inside and outside Taiwan; these applications serve collectively as a reference for the interface design of Mr. Li’s app. The study employs a survey to acquire the necessary information for the users. Since the paintings in Diyuan Temple form the subject of Mr. Li’s most recent work, the survey will gauge the users’ opinions on Diyuan Temple and their knowledge of the temple’s paintings. The results will then be used as the primary input for designing the app and for drafting the initial interface. A 5-point Likert scale will be used in the second part of the survey. Based on the relevant topics concerning usability, the survey will adopt five usability goals as the assessment criteria: ease of learning, efficiency, mnemonicity, error rate, and satisfaction rate. The study has designed five major usability assessment tasks for participants to complete. In the process of completing these tasks, participants can experience the functions of the system. They will be given an open-ended questionnaire where they can write down the issues they encounter during the test as well as their opinions about the experience. The purpose is to understand why users encounter such issues and to rethink the interface design from a user’s point of view. Participants will also be asked to rate their satisfaction level about the visual design after completing the tasks. The study will provide suggestions based on the result of the analysis which can serve as a reference for future research. It is hoped that the research result will be useful in drafting a usable interface and improve the usage of this app. The survey result shows that 1. To increase ease of learning: Animations and blinking buttons can draw users’ attention. It is very easy for users to locate the desired button if there is no other form of animation. Moreover, adding text can help familiarize users with the main functions of the interface. 2. To increase efficiency: Icons can prompt users to select buttons intuitively, thus enhancing usability. 3. To increase mnemonicity: With fewer options in the menu, the structure becomes clearer, and the users can identify target buttons more quickly and improve the mnemonic aspect of the app. The use of a fixed menu can shorten the time needed for users to look for menu functions and reduce the number of steps to be memorized. 4. To reduce error rate: Build a homepage button so that when users fail to find the information, they can return to the homepage and start over again. Having a main menu in subpages will also allow users to return to the page with the information they want in case they select a wrong button in the menu. 5. To increase playability: Increase user interaction in order to retain younger users. The overall rating in the visual interface design questionnaire shows that the users are satisfied with the experience after having completed five usability tests. It indicates that the users have positive feedback for the interface design and give it their approval. Finally, the study suggests that a “guided tour” function may be added. This function will allow visitors to easily locate a Buddhist temple’s paintings and it can be combined with audio guides, video guides, visual introduction of the paintings, painting methods, the meaning of the paintings, and the stories of the various Buddhas. This function will increase the service options for the visitors of Diyuan Temple and enhance the interaction between the temple and the visitors, thus increasing the interest in Buddhist paintings so that the culture can continue to thrive.


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