  • 學位論文


The image and creative design for the deity culture of Mazu- an example for Clairvoyance and Downwind ears

指導教授 : 羅見順


本創作以台灣居民之主要信仰-媽祖為前提,選定媽祖駕前左右護法,千里眼將軍與順風耳將軍為主題,透過動漫風格的Q版可愛肖像畫風呈現全新風貌。採用這兩位將軍為設計創作對象的動機,主要因為創作者居住在封為宗教聖地的北港小鎮,小鎮不大,卻是擁有三百多年歷史並列為國家二級古蹟的北港朝天宮,每年吸引數百萬人次的香客,特別是在農曆1-3月進香旺季期間,香客為數眾多,大街人潮擁擠!然而一旦過了進香熱潮時段,整體市場相對冷清。 為了推廣在地的文化與觀光,時下流行的文創產業發展,發現目前所推廣開發之宗教文創,神明系列形象在角色定位上大多設計莊嚴、肅穆,不敢多有玩笑或詼諧,即使是Q版神像圖,深怕對神明有所不敬,也多所侷限。對於吸引客群注意力的客層表現,廣泛度也相對受限。 本創作整理了地方的文獻及媽祖與千順將軍相關的圖書資料,設計符合在地性與親民性的角色,並透過視覺化的設計,讓創作的作品可以結合北港宗教特色產業的相關設計文創商品為前提,將千里眼及順風耳將軍設定以生動活潑生活化的形象,讓創作物在後續的發展及應用得以配合北港當地特產與文化,以詼諧有趣的方式呈現,行銷北港各觀光景點,讓文化創意與在地完美結合,期待能進一步延長非進香客觀光人潮的光臨慾望。


This creation is based on one of with the main religions of the inhabitants of Taiwan - Mazu as a precondition to the created, with Mazu's accompanying deities, General clairvoyance and General downwind ear as the theme, through the anime edition design, the deities present adorable images in a brand-new way. The motivation to use this two generals as the object of creation, mainly because the creators living in the “religious holy land”of the Beigang town, the town is not big, but it has three hundred years of history and state designated level two ancient monument of the Beigang Chao-Tian Temple attracting millions of visitors every year pilgrims, especially during the Lunar New year pilgrimage season from January to March, a large number of pilgrims, street crowded! However, once the peak season passed, whole town become slow for all kinds of business. In order to promote the local culture and sightseeing, nowadays the popular development of the cultural creation industry, you can found that the extension of the religious culture development, the image of deities normally looks solemn and serious which lack of humor. Even the cute version of the deities image are also limited with the inspiration due to fearing disrespect for the deities. The breadth of attention to the attracting customers will be also relatively limited. This creation collected local literature and books of Mazu and General Clairvoyance and General Downwind ear. Designed to meet the local culture and the of close to life and through the visual design, so that the creation of works can be combined with the Beigang religious characteristics of the relevant design industry As a prerequisite for the creation of goods, plan will General Clairvoyance and General Downwind ears are designed set of lively and vivid life of the image, so that the follow-up in the development and application to be able to cooperate with the Beigang local specialty and culture, in humorous and interesting way to show, marketing Beigang tourist attractions, Cultural creativity and the perfect combination of the land, looking forward to further extend the non-pilgrimage visitors to the desire go Beigang to visit.


一、 中文部份
