  • 學位論文


Study on the Relationships among English Learning Anxiety, Motivation and Achievement: Evidence from a Junior High School in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 鄧誠中 紀麗秋


本研究旨在探討在十二年國教實施下,雲林縣北港鎮某國中八、九年級學生英語學習焦慮、英語學習動機與英語學習成就之關係,並進一步探討國中生英語學習焦慮、英語學習動機對英語學習成就之預測力。本研究以雲林縣北港鎮某國中八、九年級572位學生為研究樣本,使用「英語焦慮動機量表」、「英語學習動機量表」等調查問卷作為研究工具,並以受試學生英語科學期成績作為衡量英語學習成就之指標,藉由t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究之實證結果如下: 1.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生英語學習焦慮較不明顯該,但是在英語口說的部分焦慮程度極高。 2.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生普遍保持中高程度的英語學習動機,學習英語的工具性動機十分明顯。。 3.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生英語學習成就為中等程度,但優劣差距懸殊。 4.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生英語學習焦慮之現況受年級、補習時間、自學時間與檢定通過與否等因素之影響而有顯著差異;而性別差異並不會影響焦慮情形。 5.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生英語學習動機之現況受性別、年級、補習時間、自學時間與檢定通過與否之影響而有顯著差異。 6.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生英語學習成就之現況受性別、年級、補習時間、自學時間與檢定通過與否之影響而有顯著差異。 7.該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生的英語學習焦慮與英語學習動機呈現低度負相關。 8. 該北港鎮國中八、九年級學生的英語學習動機中的「內在動機」與英語學習焦慮中的「缺乏信心」,對英語學習成就有顯著預測力。 關鍵詞:英語學習焦慮、英語學習動機、英語學習成就、國中生


The purpose of the study was to find out the relationships among English learning anxiety, English motivation, and English achievement of Yunlin County junior high school students in grades eight and nine. Further, the study made a prediction to learning achievement by learning anxiety and learning motivation. The survey questionnaire was adopted to collect data in this study, which chose 572 eighth and ninth graders in Beigang Township as participants. The instruments used in this study concluded English learning anxiety scale, English learning motivation scale, and the participants’ scores in the first semester of 2012. The data was analyzed through t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The junior high school students’ learning anxiety was moderate. 2. The junior high school students’ learning motivation was medium high. 3. The junior high school students’ learning achievement was moderate, but there was extreme disparity between the good and the bad. 4. The personal background variables affecting the junior high school students’ learning anxiety were the grade, the time in cram school, the weekly hours that students study independently, and the condition of passing English tests; however, the gender didn't influence English anxiety. 5. The personal background variables affecting the junior high school students’ learning motivation were the gender, grade, the time in cram school, the weekly hours that students study independently, and the condition of passing English tests. 6. The personal background variables affecting the junior high school students’ learning achievement were the gender, grade, the time in cram school, the weekly hours that students study independently, and the condition of passing English tests. 7. English learning anxiety was negatively low-correlated with English learning motivation. 8. "The intrinsic motivation" of English learning motivation and "The lack of confidence"of English learning anxiety could predict English learning achievements. The correlation coefficient was 30.0%. The predictive formula was as follows: English achievement = 0.440 × The intrinsic motivation-0.271 × The lack of confidence. Keywords: English learning anxiety, English learning motivation, English learning achievement, junior high school students


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