  • 學位論文


Study of Influence of Adaptive E-Learning Model on Mathematical Learning Effectiveness of Grade 3 Elementary Students

指導教授 : 侯雍聰


本研究目的針對國小三年級學生,運用數位學習平台進行適性化教學活動,來觀察學生在數學領域的學習成效與學習態度之影響,期望能提供教學工作者或未來進行相關研究的研究者具體的建議與指引。 本研究的樣本以雲林縣某國小的三年級兩個班級為對象,將兩班的學生分為實驗組與控制組,實驗組接受本研究之「適性化數位學習模式」之數學領域課堂教學,當中運用數位學習平台作為教學媒介,讓學生自主學習並輔以立即回饋的個別化課堂指導模式;控制組則採「一般傳統教學模式」,是以教師統一班級進度的數學領域課堂教學模式,觀察為期14周的數學領域實驗課程,並於實驗結束後進行半結構式訪談,檢視其學習前後之差異。 本研究將所蒐集到的數學成就測驗成績,以T-test和單因子共變數統計分析,觀察學習成效的差異,並整理實驗組學生晤談內容後,研究結果如下: 1. 適性化數位學習模式能有效提升學生整體數學學習成效 2. 適性化數位學習模式在提升高分組學生的數學學習成效表現上無顯著差異 3. 適性化數位學習模式能有效提升低分組學生的數學學習成效 4. 採用適性化數位學習模式進行課堂教學,學生有較高的興趣與意願 5. 適性化數位學習模式提供縮短學習時程的空間,學習時間更能有效被運用規劃 綜合上述研究發現,適性化數位學習模式能有效提高學生學習成效,而透過精熟、反覆練習、立即回饋等課堂學習方式能提升學生的學習動機與意願,也能有較佳的學習表現。本研究成果可以提供學術研究與實務方面在適性化數位學習的參考依據。


適性化 數位學習 學習成效


By conducting adaptive pedagogical practices among Grade 3 elementary students through the E-learning system, this study aims at observing influences of such methods on students’ learning effectiveness and attidude in the field of mathematics. It is expected that this study can offer specific advices and guide for teaching staffs or researchers who carry out relevant researches in the future. This study took samples from two classes of Grade 3 in a certain elementary school in Yunlin County. Students in these two classes were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group accepted the Adaptive E-learning Model of this study as their class teaching method in the field of math. During the process, the e-learning system served as the teaching medium and enabled students to learn by themselves under the help of the individual classroom instruction model which offered instant feedbacks. General and Traditional Teaching Methods were used among the control group. The group adopted a class teaching model which teachers unified the progress of the whole class in the field of math. As experimental courses in the field of math, the observation lasted for 14 weeks. Semistructured interviews were held after the end of experiments to inspect the differences of students before and after the experimental learning. This study analyzed all collected test scores of math achievements in virtue of T-test and One-way ANCOVA statistics. Based on this, the study observed the difference of learning effectiveness and sorted out contents of interviews of students from the experimental group. The study obtains results as follows: 1. The adaptive e-learning model can effectively improve students’ overall learning effectiveness of math. 2. The adaptive e-learning model makes no significant difference for students who originally boast high achievement on the effectiveness and performance of mathematical learning. 3. The adaptive e-learning model can effectively improve the learning effectiveness of students who have low achievement on mathematics. 4. Students show greater interest and will when the classroom teaching is conducted with the adaptive e-learning model. 5. The adaptive e-learning model facilitates shorter learning time which can be more effectively utilized. Based on foregoing research findings, the adaptive e-learning model can effectively improve students’ learning effectiveness. Furthermore, better learning performance can also be promoted through improving students’ learning motivation and wills with repeat practices, instant feedbacks and other classroom learning methods. The research results can also offer adpative e-learning as a reference for academic research and practical aspects.


Adaptive E-learning Learning Effectiveness


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