  • 學位論文

探討員工留任意願之影響因素研究 - 以C公司為例

Exploring the Factors of Influencing Retain Willingness of Employee – A Case Study of Company C

指導教授 : 李永銘


過去幾十年來,台灣在對高科技產業的投入與在工程技術領域培養的人才建立了扎實的生產製造與創新研發能力,而不僅在台灣產業競爭激烈,國家之間也不斷的在爭搶資源與人力挖角,因此如何能掌握優秀的人是鞏固企業根基與發展的關鍵之一。對本案例公司來說人事成本幾乎佔了近50%的營業費用,隨著時代的變化,人才的流動愈趨頻繁。優秀的人才更是公司重要資產之一,長年累積的知識與寶貴的經驗傳承不容易,一但人一離開就容易產生斷層。因此如何提升員工留任意願以留住優秀人才成為了一大重要課題。 本研究利用修正式德菲法及層級分析法,經過各相關文獻探討研究後並透過公司內一定服務年資的管理階層與基層人員,其中包含資材、RD、人資、IT、製造生產等單位以問卷調查的方式,回收問卷分析資料以探討影響員工留任意願的關鍵因素,並整理出留才決策三大層面及其分別四種關鍵評估因素。


In the past decades, the investment in high-tech industry and the training of talents in the field of engineering technology, which establish the solid production and innovation research and development ability in Taiwan. Competition for resources and manpower is intense not only in Taiwan industry but also between countries and how to acquire the best talents is one of the keys to consolidate enterprise foundation and development. For the case company, the personnel cost accounts for nearly 50% of the operating expenses. As the time moves, the flow of talents becomes more and more frequent. Excellent talents are one of the important assets of the company. It is not easy to pass on the accumulated knowledge and valuable experience over the years. Therefore, how to improve employee retention intention and retain outstanding talents has become an important issue. This research uses Delphi and hierarchy analysis methods through the relevant literature review of research and questionnaire survey from certain service senior staffs of the company management and personnel at the grass-roots level from PMC, RD, HR, IT, manufacturing production units to explore the key factors affecting employee retention and sort out the retention decisions which include three levels and four key factors.


1. Rob Silzer & Ben E. Dowell(2010). “Strategy-Driven Talent Management : A Leadership Imperative”, Pfeiffer.
2. Michaels, C. E., & Spector, P. E.(1982). “Causes of Employee Turnover: A Test of the Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino Model”, Journal of applied psychology, 67(1), 53.
3. Peter W.Hom, Rodger W. Giffen,H.H Hand, B.M Meglino(1979 ).“Review and conceptual analysis of the employee turnover process”, Psychological Bulletin, 86, 517.
4. John Cotton, Jeffrey M. Tuttle(1986). “Employee Turnover: A Meta-Analysis and Review With Implications for Research”,  The Academy of Management Review, 11(1),57.
