  • 學位論文


The Effect of Thermal Environment on Body Temperature and Construction Productivity and Quality.

指導教授 : 曾仁杰


近年來全球暖化,氣溫逐漸上升,對於熱環境勞力產業影響加劇,易造成勞工表現下降。而生產力及工作品質為影響營造業營收主要兩大根本問題,因此勞工於高溫的表現為越來越需要探討之議題。 本研究設計七項工地常見且各具不同性質之作業:粒料搬運、鋪貼任務-尺寸量測、鋪貼任務-磁磚鋪貼、鋼筋綁紮、模板釘組、砌磚、計算工程圖說,徵求學生於實驗室內進行兩次工作,分別於夏日高溫狀態及以空調控制之相對舒適狀態。以Thomas所定義之基準生產力定義作生產力計算,記錄各項工作時間及量化之工作成果品質。以統計檢定方式比較高溫狀態下何項作業會有顯著差異,並分析影響程度。最終觀察何種性質之工作受影響最高。 另量測各項工作結束後人體核心體溫,以K-Means法將各狀態下每一工作之體溫分高低兩群。檢定體溫高溫群與低溫群之生產力與品質是否有差異。亦觀察何種性質工項人體體溫高低會較易造成影響。作以日後管理時重點工項。 生產力整體為高溫狀態生產力較好,耗費時間短,其中較需耗費力氣、耐心型的工作有顯著之差異,工人受環境氣溫影響可能性高,容易快速潦草完成工作。作業品質部份整體檢定顯示正常狀態顯著優於高溫狀態,需耐心型工作仍舊受高溫影響最高,而需費力的工作分別有中度影響及檢定出顯著差異。人體體溫部分,於高溫狀態核心體溫顯著較高。而個別工作間體溫並無太大變化,但於環境高溫狀態造成體溫波動大,升高幅度較正常狀態明顯。另體溫對於生產力及品質影響,則為正常狀態下需技巧性之工作有顯著差異,顯示體溫差異對於需要技巧性之工作會有較大之影響。


Over the past few years, the climate of Taiwan dramatically changes and greatly affect construction productivity and quality, and sometimes even safety. This research investigated the effect of thermal environment on construction workers’ body temperature and construction productivity and quality. This research designed seven different types of typical construction tasks, including materials moving, measuring, tiling, rebar assembling, formwork assembling, brick laying, drawing reading. The experiment was conducted in an indoor lab with air condition facility. The participating students were required to perform the same seven tasks twice, one in the air-conditioned condition and the other without air condition in hot environment temperature condition during the summer. The intermediate body temperatures, productivity, and work quality for each participant was measured during the experiment, and then further statistically analyzed. The result shows overall productivity is better in hot environment because time consumption is shorter. Workers tend to be reluctant to spend time doing works. The strength-consuming task and patient-needed task are highly influenced by hot environment. For quality part, overall quality is better in air-conditioned condition, those works need patience are most highly influenced by hot temperature, and strength-consuming works are second. Body’s core temperature is significant higher in hot environment test. There is no big difference of body temperature among each work in two thermal condition. But the body temperature gets high faster in hot condition. Subject’s core temperature also influences work performance which needs skill in air-conditioned condition, when worker’s core temperature tends to be higher, the higher quality he performs.


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