  • 學位論文


The influence of Chinese dubbing Japanese animation in different genres on the audience

指導教授 : 陳延昇


本研究主要探討閱聽眾在觀看中文配音之日本動畫節目時,其節目題材生活接近性的不同,對閱聽眾的觀影態度及觀影享樂感的娛樂效果之影響。 自變項的控制部分為動畫節目題材不同程度的生活接近性,而觀影態度與享樂感則作為依變項探討。研究中加入了閱聽眾的認知失諧程度與觀影涉入度作為中介變項,進一步觀察當不同生活接近性之日本動畫,搭配中文配音時,認知失諧與涉入程度是否會對閱聽眾獲得娛樂效果造成不同程度的影響。最後,考量本研究以日本的動畫節目做為研究內容對象,而對日本的文化認同因人而異,因此將檢視閱聽眾對日本的文化認同是否為本研究之調節變項。 研究採用線上實驗法進行,共收回223份有效樣本。根據統計結果顯示,不同生活接近性之動畫內容,確實會影響閱聽眾所獲得的閱聽感受;其中,觀看高生活接近組動畫節目的閱聽眾,獲得了最佳的觀影態度與享樂感。此外,閱聽眾的認知失諧與觀影涉入度,於本研究中產生了部分中介的效果,兩者皆會影響閱聽眾獲得娛樂效果的多寡。最後,本研究發現閱聽眾對日本的文化認同,並不會對其觀看不同生活接近性之動畫的觀影態度及享樂感產生調節作用。


This study examines how life proximity of different themes in Japanese animations programs that are dubbed into Mandarincan cause different entertainment effects on the viewing attitude and enjoyment of the audience. Levels of life proximity of the animation programs is set as independent variables, while viewing attitude and enjoymentbeing studied as dependent variables. Cognitive dissonance and viewing involvement are taken as mediators in the study with the attempt to observe how cognitive dissonance and viewing involvement can result in different entertainment effects on the audience when viewing Japanese animations of different life proximity dubbed into Mandarin. Considering Japanese animation program is the research subject of this study, yet cultural identity may vary from one person to another, hence, cultural identity of Japan will be closely examined to decide whether it should be a moderator of this study. Online experiment is taken as the method of this study, with 223 valid samples collected. According to the statistics, animation content with different life proximity does affect the viewing experience. Audience with high life proximity with the animations has responded with the highest level ofviewing attitude and enjoyment. In addition, cognitive dissonance and viewing involvementhave resulted in partial mediation effects and show influence on the level of entertainment effect received by the audience. Last but not least, the study indicated that cultural identity to Japan does not show moderating effects onviewing attitude and enjoyment when people view animations with different life proximity.


