  • 學位論文


Transformation from Behavioral Gestures to Furniture Design

指導教授 : 鄧建國 許峻誠


現在生活轉變使得多數人以坐姿來度過一天大部分的時間,而長時間維持坐姿將帶來許多令人不舒適的體驗,為了排解不舒適的感受,人們在不知不覺中產生出各自的應對方式,交替不同的姿勢或是使用輔助用具,來提升身體的舒適度。本研究以觀察受測者本身的行為為出發,觀察該受測者對於維持坐姿行為的反應,進而探討如何改進坐姿行為的體驗。 本研究擬對家具的功能與外型進行改善,藉由文獻與設計案例的蒐集分析,從人體姿態為出發,探討和歸納出坐姿行為與坐具的設計手法及應用方式。研究分成五個段落來執行,第一階段透過脈絡訪查,觀察使用者長期維持坐姿之情形。第二階段以親和圖來列舉問題,歸納出目前座椅的使用脈絡。歸結出「坐具外觀」、「人體姿態與坐具關係」、「產品的情境故事」、「情感體驗」四點。第三階段,對上述坐姿問題做出坐具之系列發想原則以及創作方法。第四階段設計實作,完成《小馬椅》、《編織椅》、《海葵椅》三款創作與創作檢討。第五階段為展覽規劃與訪談回顧。 本研究的總結為,肯定由行為姿態觀察為出發的坐具設計流程,並且從三件創作的使用者們反饋中,對於坐姿體驗、情感體驗獲得肯定的反饋。本研究認為型為姿態轉化為家具創作將會是未來良好的設計切入點。


坐姿 行為 互動經驗 家具設計 情感設計


People nowadays lead a sedentary life. People sitting or lying down when they are using a computer. However, maintaining the same position will make them feeling muscle pain. People will swing into action against the pain. This paper is aimed towards a deeper understanding of how humans act when they feeling uncomfortable during sitting. By the literature reviews and design cases, this thesis discusses and sums up the design features which reveal the characteristics of the furniture design method and application. This paper is divided into five parts, first part, through Contextual Inquiry, the author watches the user in the course of the user's normal activities and discusses those activities with the user. Second, the author used the Affinity map, to sum up, Questions. According to the above, the author obtained four conclusions, “seat appearance,” “association between human position and furniture,” “design scenarios,” and “effective experience.” The third part is the process of three creations. The fourth part is creations review, and the last part is the record of the exhibition. The summary of this study is that the seat design process, which is based on behavioral attitude observation, is affirmative, and from the feedback of the three creative users, positive feedback is given to the sitting experience and the emotional experience. This study believes that the transformation of style into furniture creation will be a good design entry point in the future.


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