  • 學位論文


A Research of Strategy Analysis in Electronics Biomedical Industry ─ A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 陳安斌 黃思皓


長期以來,台灣在資通訊產業的科技實力以及醫療技術皆居於全球最領先的地位。但是,數十年來台灣的產業發展因為過度依賴硬體製造業,甚至是代工業,在中國紅色供應鏈挾其低廉製造成本的擠壓下,台灣的經濟動能已經顯得欲振乏力。在這樣的困境中,有人於是願意想辦法結合台灣幾十年來在電子業累績的實力與人才,與醫界中有意願創新研發的醫師們,創立新公司,從發現市場痛點開始,嘗試發展結合物聯網與大健康趨勢、人工智慧與大數據的創新技術配合電子生醫的創新商業模式,設法產生新的價值,但是往往遇到許多挫折。對產業發展而言,台灣的迷思在於,到底是要產生一個創新領域的獨角獸或是另一個代工型態的所謂醫療AI 公司。想當初科學園區是如何用優惠補助和政府的傾力相助,扶植了台灣的電子科技公司,讓他們變成產業巨獸,而如今台灣產業大老投資人卻一直不釋放足夠資源鼓勵新創企業,發展自主軟體培植初創的新公司們。這些硬體思維若不改變,最有可能就是又提出具有台灣特色的AI代工的策略,既然又回到了代工思維,這也許幾乎就是國安等級的危機了。另一方面,看似沒有接受國家政策扶植的傳統產業巨頭們,在傳統轉成現代化的道路上,也似乎未能大刀闊斧,徹底轉化思維,所以多半流於只聞樓梯響,遲遲不能真正轉型成功。本論文嘗試以一個虛擬公司所探討的情境,除了各種經營初創公司所必定會遇到的挑戰之外,主要是指出宇宙中最遙遠的兩個點,就是從投資者的口袋到新創公司之間短短的那一段距離,並以類似囚徒困境的模型探討新創公司如何在成立初期面對投資人所提出的一個突如其來的提議,研究毫無經驗的新創公司應該如何應對風雲詭譎的市場,投資人,以及如何正確判斷,做出困難決定。


Taiwan has been long sitting at the leading position in the industry of ICT (Information, Communication Technology). Also, Taiwan is ranked one of the few countries in the world with the highest level of medical technologies. However, instead of creating innovative ideas, since the past few decades for some reasons the entire island’s economy relies on dully manufacturing industry or even EMS services merely. Many of the mass-production activities require a plenty of manpower. When the “red supply chain” comes to the doorway with nearly unthinkable low cost labors from China, the Taiwanese industries start to feel a monkey on the back. Therefore, some think about connecting the two strongest fists – engineering power and medical technologies trying to create a whole new direction for Taiwan. The start-up begins to define the unmet medical needs then tries to fix them with innovative ideas. Alone with the mega trends – prolonged life expectancy, aging problem, health care, mobile medicine, etc. The star-up very soon found its way and a brilliant business model by combining AIoT and big data mining. The target is to build an eco-system called AIoP (AI + Internet of People). As expected, there are always obstacles. Since Taiwan has proven it can be so successful in manufacturing something, will pure AI, such an intangible product be the next laurel to pursue for Taiwan? Many are asking. Answers to this question will affect Taiwan’s industrial development for the next half century. It may lead to the birth of a “unicorn” or, the worst case another “AI foundry company”. The giants EMS companies come alone with accepting tremendous subsidies but only few are brave enough by lending their hands to facilitate innovative start-ups. Companies from so called traditional companies seek for modernize transformation, but only handful of them are willing to change the mind set and take a leap. The study uses a virtual company “A” trying to illustrate a newly starts up company in Taiwan facing all kinds of situations, including organizational problems, financial issues, and most importantly, how to deal with those long established, in size much greater companies while building relationship, and how to collaborate with them without being “swallowed” by nothing. This study uses the simple model of prisoner’s dilemma to demonstrate how a company can make a wrong decision and how to avoid fatal mistakes in the last chapter of this study.


AIoT AIoP mobile health big data unicorn prisoner’s dilemma


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