  • 學位論文


Research on Strategy planning for Management Of Automated Warehousing Technology

指導教授 : 姚銘忠


本研究為個案分析探討一家傳統製造業系統整合商(System Integration, SI),該個案公司累積二十幾年的專業技術,設計規劃出一套「新型態」自動化倉儲系統,替客戶創造出「動態隨機存取、彈性空間應用」功能性完整之倉儲設備系統。本研究透過個案研究數據並搭配方法論分析,解析個案公司未來營運方向及競爭力。本研究將採行SWOT及五力模式進行分析全球市場過去、現今及未來的發展趨勢,再利用平衡計分卡的四個構面與商業模式為工具,有系統分析個案公司的戰略地圖及營運目標驅動因素,探討各個因素之間的相互影響及因果關係,進一步建立策略地圖,擬定個案公司之戰略與戰術。綜合上述各項分析,針對個案公司未來營運方向有四項提議: 1.擴充生產設備及設計規劃專職人員,提升產量與效率增加營收與 穫利。 2.直接投資參與國內各類專業廠商,透過相互技術授權或轉移, 進行異業策略聯盟擴大產品戰線。 3.積極尋找歐美、日本等具高端先進技術之合作夥伴,進行合作或 代理提高公司技術及品牌形象。 4.透過已代理合作國外品牌之其他國家地區當地代理商進行合作 銷售,增加擴大國外銷售網。


This case study explored a traditional manufacturing system integrator (System Integration, SI), which has more than 20 years of expertise to design a "new standard" automated warehousing system, and to create a functional complete storage equipment system, as purposing as "Dynamic random access, flexible space application" This case study analyzed the future business direction and competitiveness of this company through research data and methodological analysis. This case study adopted SWOT and five-force models to analyze the past, present and future trends of the global market, and then use the four facets and business models of the Balanced Scorecard as tools to systematically analyze the strategic maps and operations of this company. Target drivers, explore the interactions and causal relationships between various factors, further establish strategic maps, and formulate strategies and tactics for this company. Based on the above analysis, there are four proposals for the future direction of this company: 1. Expand production equipment and design planning staff to increase production and efficiency, as well as increase revenue and profit. 2. Direct investment to participate in various domestic professional manufacturers, through mutual technical authorization or transfer, to carry out cross-industry strategic alliance, and to expand the product front. 3. Actively search for partnership with high-end advanced technologies such as Europe, USA and Japan to cooperate or represent to improve the company's technology and brand image. 4. Cooperate sales through local agents in other countries and regions that have cooperated with foreign brands and increase the expansion of foreign sales networks.


2.柯俊宏,「晶圓代工產業之五力分析與企業策略規劃研究 - 以T公司
