  • 學位論文


Research for Integration of Solar Tracking System and Hydrogen Production

指導教授 : 黃得瑞 藍兆禾


本論文研究之主要目的,在於建立獨立電力系統,係分別由追日型太陽能、負載、儲能、變配電和控制系統所組成,此系統既可以與外部電網併網運行,也可以獨立運行。此系統能夠充分促使分散式再生能源的大規模接入,解決目前棄光情況,也解決了經常性的饋線併網容量不足問題,此技術對綠能應用發展極為重要。 本研究的實驗架構,係設計一組無額外電力的獨立型追日系統,將其產出的電儲存到電瓶中,希望使系統維持24小時不停地運轉,也並接到電解氫系統。本研究另一成果,為運作追日系統增加運作效率,因本系統有別於一般傳統的追日系統,係採用共時運作的追日方式,主要根據地球與太陽的相對位置調整追日角度,角度誤差可以控制在0.5度以內;且其馬達的運作動力係系統所發電力供給。蓄電的部分則採用90kAh容量的電瓶,以彌補太陽能夜間無法發電的缺點。有別於一般太陽能系統皆以串聯方式連接,本研究實驗則採用兩個太陽能板串聯,再以並聯方式透過配電盤進入電瓶達到儲能目的,此方法可以讓電流變大,使電瓶充電速度更快,儲能效率更高。從電瓶輸出的電力為直流電,必須再經變流器轉換成交流電,才可提供追日馬達和產氫機運作。實驗方式同時檢測逆變器效能,包括輸入的直流電與輸出的交流電,並監測產氫機的產氫效率,以確保系統的運作效能。 本研究所建立的追日系統,可提升整體效率約9%-24%,所搭配的儲能系統,亦具有較高的儲電效能(以特定時段為例,累計日射量55.3kWh,約可儲存4.32度的電量,儲能效率7.81%,此電量可讓產氫機運轉14.9個小時,約可產出402.3公升的氫氣,產氫效率93.125公升/kWh)。本儲能系統對於較高的日射量,具有高的儲能效率與產氫效率,對於後續開發、推廣太陽能發電、儲能、產氫等整合應用,提供一套有效的參考運作系統。


太陽能 追日系統 儲能系統 氫能


The main purpose of this research is to establish an independent power system that consists of solar tracking system, power loads, energy storage, inverter, convertor, and control systems. This system can be operated in parallel with power grid or independently. This system may provide an alternative solution for insufficient capacity of grid power. The experiment setup of this work is to integrate an independent solar tracking system, an energy storage battery system, and a hydrogen production electrolyzor. The solar tracking system was designed to sustain itself as possible, thus the motor is powered by the system. The angular error can be controlled within 0.5 degree by adopting the time-sharing operation. A 90kAh capacity of energy storage battery is used to store solar power generation, and to discharge during night time. The results showed that the overall efficiency of the solar tracking system was improved up 9%-24%, because of storing the abandon power in the energy storage system. For example, the specific solar radiation amount is 55.3kWh, and 4.32 kWh was stored in the energy storage system, and that is efficiency of 7.81%. As the hydrogen production electrolyzer is connected to the battery, that allows 402.3 liters of hydrogen production at 93.125 liters/kWh. The solar tracking system with high efficient energy storage system and hydrogen production systemar provides an effective solution for green energy development.


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