  • 學位論文


Institutional Failures in Taiwan Hakka Television: An Ethnic Media Analysis and Criticism

指導教授 : 魏玓




The government’s amendments to the Hakka Basic Law and efforts in drafting Public Media Law in recent years have brought the issue regarding the legal position of Hakka TV into the spotlight. Problems in Hakka TV’s operations have been pointed out by various studies; however, academic discussion on this issue, regardless of substantial amendments from the legislative perspective or in-depth investigation into the institution, has stagnated. Therefore, this study aimed to compile and clarify the operational performance of Hakka TV since it was launched before the law’s enactment to avoid the scenario where the law leaves Hakka TV’s problems unsolved or even creates more barriers for its development. This study proposed three research questions to examine Hakka TV’s internal system and organizational operation. The research framework was established according to the interactive relationships between ethnic media and the country, ethnic groups, and the society, which were revealed by a literature review. Hakka TV’s development was analyzed in the context of the Taiwanese society. This study employed the grounded theory, in-depth interviews, and secondary data analysis to identify the root causes of and solutions to Hakka TV’s operational problems. Finally, this study responded to the research questions and provided recommendations for ethnic media regarding goal establishment and for the government in the formulation of legal regulations for Hakka TV.


〈從《公共電視法》邁向《公共媒體法》 文化部以前瞻思維擘劃公共媒體〉(2018年09月20日),取自文化部網頁https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_89222.html
王亞維(2014)。〈我國原住民電視臺公共問責機制的研究與想像〉。《廣播與電視》,37:35-62。doi: 10.30385/JRTS.201412_(37).0002
