  • 學位論文


Using Electric Monitoring as an Alternative to Imprisonment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉尚志 吳巡龍


科技設備監控是一種透過電子科技設備,來達成對受監控人之定點監控(如居家監控monitoring)或行蹤監控(如增設GPS系統,記錄受監控人行動所經過之區域與時間)的方案。換言之,就是應用科技技術,以電子設備取代傳統人力監督受監控人的一種方式。科技設備監控在國外之運用已行之有年,並廣泛使用於刑事司法程序之各個階段,在刑事執行程序運用方式其中之一即為替代刑罰,有效舒解了監所人滿為患的情形,亦可節省大量的矯正經費。 科技設備監控目前依我國性侵害犯罪防治法之規定僅適用於部分性侵害犯罪之緩刑及假釋受保護管束人。而我國監所長久以來均存在超額收容之問題,非但對犯罪矯正機構欲教化人犯、預防再犯之功能造成阻礙,過於擁擠的收容空間,亦對收容人之人權形成侵害。因此本文研究綜合文獻分析法及問卷調查研究法,並採用訪談方式訪談實務上之執法者,以了解科技設備監控之種類、在國外的運作方式、我國目前實務操作之現況、執法者對科技設備監控制度之觀感及在我國是否適合做為易刑處分選項等意見,並提出可能遭遇之問題及建議方向,提供我國是否推展以科技設備監控替代部分刑罰之參考。


Electric Monitoring is an alternative which uses electronic equipment to execute location-based monitoring, like home detention monitoring, or movement surveillance which, for example, tracks offenders’ exact locations and specific time by using GPS. In other words, it uses the modern technology substitute traditional imprison supervision, and has been widely employed overseas in every phase of criminal jurisdiction and procedure for years. One of the criminal executions is alternative to imprisonment, which can effectively alleviate the situation of excess prisoners, and save correctional expenses. According to Sexual Assault Prevention Act in Taiwan, Electric Monitoring has been applying only to certain probationers committing sexual crimes and parolees under the regulations of probation since 2006. However, The long-existing problem of excess prisoners in the correction system of Taiwan not only interferes with the performance of correction and re-education of prisoners, but jeopardizes its preventive function of recidivism, and also indicates a breach of human rights. This thesis conducts literature review, questionnaire survey with law enforcement officers, and field interviews with five senior prosecutors from different jurisdictions to study of Electric Monitoring. It includes the variety of equipments, ways of execution in foreign countries, and the current practical operation in Taiwan. In addition, this study also reflects to the impressions of the participants about Electric Monitoring, and their evaluation on such-- an alternative to imprisonment.


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4. 黃晴惠,《假釋性罪犯對電子監控主觀感受之研究—以受監控者觀點為例》,國立臺北大學犯罪學研究所碩士論文,2010年1月。
2. 馬躍中,<德國電子監控制度之介紹-以巴登符騰堡邦「關於執行自由刑之電子監管法」為中心>,發表於「電子監控法制化」學術研討會,國立高雄大學法學院等主辦,高雄(2011)。
5. Tracy M. L. Brown; Steven A. McCabe; Charles Wellford,「Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology for Community Supervision: Lessons Learned」,August 2007。


