  • 學位論文


The Research of Paroled Sexual Offenders’ Subjective Feelings about the Electronic Monitoring from the Monitored Parolees’ Viewpoints as Example

指導教授 : 許春金


假釋性罪犯的再犯議題常引起媒體關注、社會大眾的恐慌,法務部強調將對性罪犯配戴電子腳鐐,並加強對性罪犯嚴密的全方位監控,期盼可以有效的防止再犯,監控措施的加強主要用以增加犯罪者在社區的信賴程度(Renzema,1992),曾經只有在電影中才會出現的電子監控追蹤技術,如今已在全球十餘個國家或地區開始嘗試及普及,不需要鐵絲牢籠,不需要重兵看守,電子監控在堅持傳統與突破創新的激辯中走上台前。 本研究透過質性研究以立意抽樣選取5名曾經接受電子監控之受保護管束人進行深度訪談,目的在探索假釋性罪犯於電子監控期間之主觀知覺、態度、感受、價值判斷等內在心理歷程或經驗世界,最後再針對訪談研究結果以SWOT進行個案分析,期能更深入釐清電子監控嚇阻效果及其影響因素,以提供相關單位參考。 本研究結果發現: 1、受監控者對電子監控設備之主觀感受:誤報頻率頗高、舒適度不足、設備不夠牢固,對機器的大小、重量、可見度等雖然感受各不相同,但均同意監控設備體積愈小、愈隱蔽愈好。 2、受監控者於電子監控期間心理層面之主觀感受分析:『無奈接受』為所有受監控者面對電子監控制度的共同心理狀態,大部分受監控者擔心被標籤的感受強烈,受監控者刑期愈長者對於監控的忍受度越高。 3、受監控者於電子監控期間對生活型態及工作影響之主觀感受分析:在生活形態方面,主要有自由被限制、作息調整,作息被迫規律、活動受到限制、減少外出及家人重要性未被凸顯等發現;在工作方面雖會造成困擾,但大體而言均能將電子監控對工作的影響降到最低,而能維持穩定且持續之工作型態;受監控者於行為上多留意隱蔽電子監控設備,事實上很少被他人發現。 4、受監控者於電子監控期間人際互動影響主觀感受分析:穩定的住所及家人的高接納度是計畫成功的基本要件,受監控者與家人關係越好,家人接受度較高;電子監控對家人造成的困擾與影響部分,主要有誤報查訪、擔心親友或他人知道感覺沒面子、即使在家也穿著長褲、造成家人心理壓力、無法遠行、活動被限制及影響親子關係、影響親密關係等;在人際及交友互動方面,則顯示受監控者因電子監控而使人際疏離感擴大、人際往來活動受到限制,且對較為年長之受監控者而言影響其結交女友意願;電子監控期間觀護人主要扮演誤報查訪、解決問題、心理支持的角色,與警察互動方面則有正面支持、負面標籤感受及可能產生關鍵性影響因素。 5、受監控者於電子監控期間對制度約束之主觀感受分析:受監控者於電子監控期間若違反規定則是依循傳統觀護處遇模式進行,最嚴厲的後果就是撤銷假釋,大部分受監控者對於電子監控期間應遵守事項及違規後果均表示事先詳為說明並知情,且大都願意謹守規定以避免違規狀況發生;對於違反規定撤銷假釋的後果感受嚴厲,但對於是否違規後果越嚴厲越能產生嚇阻效果以預防再犯則持保留意見。 6、受監控者對於電子監控之嚇阻效果有不同看法,部分受監控者認為的確能產生心理抑制與壓力而使行為變得克制與穩定,但持反面意見者則對嚇阻效果存疑;在適用對象方面,受監控者建議主要應為無固定住所、具有夜間犯罪習性者,或是隨機犯、計畫犯等高危險群為主,針對長刑期及畏懼公權力者的預防性監控效果較佳,也提及應適用於他類型的高再犯危險群,如暴力犯、常業竊盜犯等。 本研究提出以下幾點檢討與建議,以供有關機關執行參考,希望為電子監控政策在刑事司法體系的具體實踐有所助益:1、應建立客觀審核之選案標準。2、改善電子監控設備之穩定性、舒適度及其他問題,以提升信賴程度。3、加強各單位功能整合,以提升預防犯罪效能。4、執行者專業能力的提升。5、明確的違規處罰制裁。6、礙於電子監控功能限制、立法適用電子監控範圍過窄,以致無法有效達到再犯預防之目標。7、電子監控期間宜配套其他處遇計畫,規劃成為整體計畫的一部分。8、侵犯隱私權的疑慮。9、適用對象之建議。


Issues on the recidivism of paroling sexual offender are deeply concerned by the media and often raise the fearness of citizen. The Department of Justice emphasized that the sexual offenders are to be enforced with an electronic monitor which is an overall technique to strengthen the surveillance of the sexual offenders. In the respect, expectantly, the enforcement can prevent the recidivism efficiently. The main purpose of strengthening monitor using is to rev up the offender’s trustfulness in the communities (Renzema,1992). Though the tracking technique of electronic monitor has only seen in movies, today, it has already attempted and is getting popular in more than 10 different countries and regions worldwide. After these grand debates-the traditional insistence and the innovational groundbreaking, the electronic monitor is now performing without surrounding by high wall with barbed wire, as well as overlooking by the heavy manpower at front. In a means of quality study, there were five guarded-parolee have selected randomly by this research as a purpose to quest the parole-sexual-offenders’ immanent psychological course or experience monde regarding their subjective consciousnesses, attitudes, feelings and value judgment during the probation span. By way of aiming at the conclusion of interview studies, this research has harnessed the SWOT for launching an analysis on each case with an expectation to clarify the preventive efficacies and other effect factors may caused by electronic monitor. Hopefully, this analysis can establish a useful reference for all related departments. The final research indicates that: ˙The guarded-parolee’s subjective feelings about the electronic monitor: The frequency of false report is high; the monitor is uncomfortable and unsecured. There are different feelings about the sizes and the weights of the monitor, but everyone consented that the smaller size, more masked, the better. ˙The psychological facet analysis of the guarded-parolee’s subjective feelings about the electronic monitor during his probation span: “Acceptance-Without-Alternative” is a common psychological status hold by the guarded-parolee when they have to face the establishment of the electronic monitor. Most of them have strong feeling about being marked. The guarded-parolee with longer sentence are bearing the system most. ˙The lifestyle and work analysis of guarded-parolee’s subjective feelings about the influence by electronic monitor during his probation span: In the features of lifestyle, the research found that most of guarded-parolee felt their freedom is being restrained; their work and rest have changed and forced into a regular pattern, their activities were also being restrained, less opportunities for going out, and the importance of the family issue has shrugged off; In the features of work, even though the electronic monitor is bothering their work, nevertheless, in general, it can be minimized, and their works will be sustained and stabilized; In fact, if a person heeds his hidden monitor, it rarely will be noticed by others. ˙The interaction analysis of the guarded-parolee’s subjective feelings about the electronic monitor during his probation span: A residential stabilization or a high acceptance by family is the essential element for a program to be succeeded. The better relationship between the guarded-parolee’s and the family, the higher acceptance could be; The main reason of the family is being bothered and effected by the electronic monitor are: the visit due to wrong report, embarrassing if known by the kinfolks or the friends, causing family members’ mental depress by wearing long pant at home, unable to make a long-haul journey, most activities are being restrained and the parental and the intimate relationships have effected, etc,; In the respects of socializations and interactions, the interstice of interaction has expanded, the social activities have confined and the inclination of dating for the seniors guarded-parolee is also descended by the electronic monitor; During the probation span, the role of probation officer playing is to make a visit when there is wrong report, to solve problems and provide mental support. As far as the interacting with polices has obtained a positive support, the negative feelings of being marked and the possibility of the pivotal factors is spawned. ˙The restraining program analysis of the guarded-parolee’s subjective feelings about the electronic monitor during his probation span: If a guarded-parolee who violates the probation regulation, he will be processed through a mode in accordance with traditional protection treatment. In the case of a parole is being cancelled, the made decision is the most critical result of a punishment. Most of guarded-parolees are fully awarded of what are the rules should be abided during the probation span, and most have expressed that the consequences of rule-violated have precautionary informed. They all willing to comply with the rules and avert mistakes; regarding the consequences of the parole canceling, most of them felt it is too critical, but whether to execute a more critical treatment against the rule-violated parolee can actually prevent offenders’ recidivism, they possess a different opinion ˙The guarded-parolee views differently about electronic monitor: most of them believe the program, indeed, can refrain from rule violation psychologically and can stabilize their behavior become more controllable, but the opposites doubt the preventive efficacy; In the case of who will be the suitable guarded-parolee, they suggested that the program should focus on the high risk group as one without regular residence, a habitual night criminal, an occasional criminal or an intentional criminal, etc,. The preventive monitor has better effects on those with long-term sentence and those are dreaded by the public authority. They also suggest that the program should apply to other high risk groups, such as violent criminal and recidivist thief, etc,. There are several improvements and suggests have address by this research, hoping that the electronic monitor policy can, under the hierarchy of the criminal justice, be practiced specifically and being contributed: ˙ Establish a subjective assessment criteria for case selection. ˙ Improve the stability, comfort and other issues of the electronic monitor. ˙ Strengthen the functional integration of all departments in order to facilitate the efficacy of crime prevention. ˙ Accelerate the program executor’s expertise. ˙ Definite the sanctions against the rule-violated punishments. ˙ Due to the confinement of electronic monitor’s function and the applicable electronic monitor scope by the law for applying is very limited, so that the preventive destination of recidivating can not be fulfilled efficiently. ˙ During the electronic monitor span, a set of additional treatment or program should be integrated as part of the general program. ˙ Concerning about the privacy is being offended. ˙ The recommendation of guarded-parolee’s suitability. Key word: Quality research, Electronic monitor, Parole-sexual offender, Subjective feelings, SWOT analysis


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