  • 學位論文


The Research on the Exclusion、Fear and Self-punishment of Electronic Monitoring-A Case Study of Sex Crime

指導教授 : 許華孚


電子監控在刑事司法系統的位階屬於中間制裁處遇,兼具懲罰與教育功能。然而電子監控對配戴者剝奪復歸更生的機會,相反地,成為一種單一的懲罰機制,更使政府機關能藉其擴大在社區中的監控網絡,形成法網擴張的現象。研究目的在於探討電子監控科技之社會排除、法網擴張、媒體標籤、終身監控與分析監控政策之影響與配套措施及提出道德反思。 研究方法採質性研究,使用半結構式訪談作為研究工具,以曾受或現在是假釋付保護管束之配戴者,及負責性侵業務之觀護人為主要研究對象,根據現象學內容分析法把多元的個案訪談資料加以歸納整理與分析,依照研究需要加以修正。 研究結果顯示電子監控造成配戴者在工作、家庭、人際關係和社區間的排除現象,也因監控設備的科技缺陷使其有再入罪化的潛在可能;其次,媒體標籤化的影響迫使配戴者必須被邊緣化及接受民粹化的道德制裁;再者,政府在防衛社會安全的名義,陸續在法律和政策中,制訂精密且標準化的社會控制網絡,透過強大的公權力監控配戴者的一舉一動;最後,配戴者希望社區中有真正的幫助者出現,政府應採取正向且富有教育性質的處遇策略來加強配戴者的利社會行為,而非施行單一化的懲罰,實為最有效的防衛社會安全方法。 關鍵字:電子監控、法網擴張、社會排除、媒體標籤、終身監控


Electronic monitoring (EM) is an intermediate punishment in criminal justice system in Taiwan. EM deprives sex offenders of rehabilitation, and becomes a singular punishment mechanism, and government also expand the networks of surveillances in community, the objective of this research is to analyze the social exclusion、net-widening、media labeling and lifetime monitoring by parolees and probation officers. Data from a semi-structured interview, there are/were nine parolees and two probation officers, and use phenomenological content analysis to analyze all data. EM leads to dynamic work、family、relationship and community exclusion between all sex offenders, and the technological flaws cause them fall into criminalization again;secondly, the effect of media labeling force them to be marginalized and receive unreasonable moral punishment of populism;thirdly, the aim of keeping society safe that government establish is enacting strict laws to hit sex crimes, also establish intensive social control networks under powerful legal surveillances;lastly, sex offenders need halfway supporters in community when they are out of prison with lost mind, and government should adopt positive educational treatment to defend society, not punishment only. Key words: Electronic monitoring, Net-widening, Social exclusion, Media labeling, Lifetime monitoring


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